- How will we kill the rest of the time ? 我們怎樣消磨剩余時(shí)間?
- How'll we kill the rest of the time? 我們怎樣消磨剩余時(shí)間?
- How shall we kill the rest of the time? 剩下的時(shí)間,咱們干什么?
- Where shall I kill the time? The tow is so small and desolate. 我該到哪里打發(fā)時(shí)光?這城鎮又小又冷清。
- Playing mahjong is a marvelous way to kill the time. 打麻將是消磨時(shí)間的一種很棒的方法。
- We had an hour's wait,so we played cards to kill the time. 我們要等一個(gè)小時(shí),為了消磨時(shí)間,我們便打起牌來(lái)。
- It is surprising that they should kill the time like that. 他們竟然這樣打發(fā)時(shí)間,真是太奇怪了。
- Old women enjoy keeping cats or dogs to kill the time. 老年的婦女喜歡養貓養狗打發(fā)時(shí)間。
- Wife: We're going to stay on the train for 22 hours. How will we kill the time? 我們要在火車(chē)上呆22小時(shí),怎么打發(fā)時(shí)間呢?
- We are going to stay on the plane for 12 hours. How will we kill the time? 我們要在飛機上呆12個(gè)小時(shí)。怎么打發(fā)時(shí)間呀?
- We are going to stay on the train for 22 hours. How will we kill the time? 我們將在火車(chē)上呆22個(gè)小時(shí),怎么打發(fā)時(shí)間呢?
- She tried to kill the fly buzzing around her head. 她試圖打死在她頭上嗡嗡飛叫的蒼蠅。
- Then I was told to wait in the waiting room,where there were a variety of magazines for you to kill the time. 接著(zhù)她叫我到接待室等候,那兒擺放著(zhù)各種雜志用以打發(fā)時(shí)間。
- The bandit said he would kill the girl if she moved a muscle. 土匪對姑娘說(shuō)如果她動(dòng)一下就把她殺死。
- Feel free to kill the local doggies and birds to pass the time while you wait for nightfall. 你可以殺殺當地小狗和鳥(niǎo)等待夜晚的到來(lái)。
- The Secret Service smelled out a plot to kill the President. 情報部門(mén)抽絲剝繭發(fā)現了要行刺總統的陰謀。
- I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time. 我膩煩了總是夾在爭吵雙方的中間。
- How shall we kill the rest of time? 我們如何打發(fā)剩下的時(shí)間?
- Have you made sure of the time of the train? 火車(chē)開(kāi)車(chē)時(shí)間你搞清楚了嗎?
- He killed the man with a revolver. 他用左輪手槍把那個(gè)人殺死了。