- Keyboard key is pressed upward fly around key control direction. 按住鍵盤(pán)上鍵向上飛,左右鍵控制方向。
- Sets or returns the keyboard key to access the checkbox. 設置或返回能夠訪(fǎng)問(wèn)這復選框的鍵盤(pán)按鍵。
- Sets or returns the keyboard key to access the radio button. 設置或返回能夠訪(fǎng)問(wèn)這radio按鈕的鍵盤(pán)按鍵。
- Operations Guide: Mobile keyboard key or mouse control fire! 操作指南:鍵盤(pán)方向鍵移動(dòng),鼠標控制射擊!
- By the turn of the keyboard keys running around, on Key Hurdle. 交替按鍵盤(pán)左右鍵奔跑,上鍵跨欄。
- Escape key A computer keyboard key that is used to exit a mode or routine, or cancel some function. 電腦鍵盤(pán)上用來(lái)走出一個(gè)模式或例行程式或取消一些功能的鍵。
- Keyboard key operation, the blue Niuniu from key control and the red Niuniu also mobile, just about the opposite. 鍵盤(pán)方向鍵操作,藍色的牛牛由方向鍵控制,而紅色的牛牛也同時(shí)移動(dòng),只是左右相反。
- Keyboard key to running around, jumping on the keys, the space bar attack. 鍵盤(pán)左右方向鍵行走,上鍵跳躍,空格鍵攻擊。
- Escape key: A computer keyboard key that is used to exit a mode or routine, or cancel some function. 換能鍵:電腦鍵盤(pán)上用來(lái)走出一個(gè)模式或例行程式或取消一些功能的鍵。
- The next key about control movement, the space bar to jump, jump on the process under the keyboard key or the right mouse button to do tricks action. 上下左右鍵控制移動(dòng),空格鍵跳躍,跳躍的過(guò)程按鍵盤(pán)下鍵或右鍵做花樣動(dòng)作。
- Mouse or keyboard key operation, we must first look at your game to do the demonstration and then imitate his actions can do. 鼠標或鍵盤(pán)方向鍵操作,先要看游戲中給你做的演示,然后模仿他的動(dòng)作來(lái)做即可。
- Walking in the direction of using keyboard key; The remaining operations are completed using mouse click, for instance: dialogue open, search for treasures, etc. 行走使用鍵盤(pán)上的方向鍵進(jìn)行;其余操作都使用鼠標左鍵完成,比如:對話(huà)、開(kāi)門(mén)、搜尋寶物等等。
- Keyboard key operation, and the roads there are many other things hinder your path, you must remain calm and avoid these things, victory will belong to you. 鍵盤(pán)方向鍵操作,路上有很多東西阻礙你前行,你要沉著(zhù)冷靜,避開(kāi)這些東西,勝利會(huì )屬于你的。
- Keyboard keys accelerated keys back, the front control around key ups and downs of the space bar to a U-turn. 鍵盤(pán)上鍵加速,下鍵后退,左右鍵控制車(chē)頭起落,空格鍵調頭。
- Keyboard keys to control about escape, on Key ridiculed opponents, the space bar shrimp ball. 鍵盤(pán)左右下鍵控制躲避,上鍵嘲笑對手,空格鍵接住皮球。
- Embroidery machine keyboard keys used for positioning of the pantograph or frame. 繡花機鍵盤(pán)按鍵,用來(lái)定位繡框或者縮放儀。
- Keyboard arrow keys angle adjustment, keyboard keys about the dynamics of the space bar archery. 鍵盤(pán)上下鍵調整角度,鍵盤(pán)左右鍵調整力度,空格鍵射箭。
- By the turn of the keyboard keys running around, running a small penguins slow death! 交替按鍵盤(pán)左右鍵跑步,跑慢了小企鵝就死定了!
- Game: keyboard keys to control direction, thrown out by right-clicking buys divert the enemy. 游戲方法:鍵盤(pán)方向鍵控制方向,鼠標右鍵扔出棒棒糖引開(kāi)敵人。
- Mobile Keyboard keys around, jumping on the keys, the space bar hydraulic booster. 鍵盤(pán)左右鍵移動(dòng),上鍵跳躍,空格鍵水力助推。