- Key works: mould design; 3D design; mould making; CNC Machine; NC code. 關(guān)鍵詞:模具設計;3D實(shí)體設計;模具制造;數控機床;NC代碼。
- The management of anesthetic is a key work in the medicament management. 麻醉藥品管理是醫院藥劑管理工作的一項重要內容。
- During a conference, when no menu is shown, the number key works as the camera preset button . 在會(huì )議過(guò)程中,當不顯示菜單時(shí),數字鍵作為攝像機的預置鍵來(lái)使用。
- During a conference,when no menu is shown,the number key works as the camera preset button. 在會(huì )議過(guò)程中,當不顯示菜單時(shí),數字鍵作為攝像機的預置鍵來(lái)使用。
- During a conference, when no menu is shown, the number key works as the camera preset button. 在會(huì )議過(guò)程中,當不顯示菜單時(shí),數字鍵作為攝像機的預置鍵來(lái)使用。
- The reconstruction of shower core is one of the key works of cosmic ray experiment based on terrene. 摘要簇射芯位重建是基于地面的宇宙線(xiàn)觀(guān)測實(shí)驗的關(guān)鍵工作之一。
- Key works: meta-analysis, nonparametric test, resampling test, bootstrap, randomization test. 基金項目:廣東省團隊項目(003031);
- During a conference,when no menu is show,the number key work as camera preset button. 在會(huì )議過(guò)程中,當不顯示菜單時(shí),數字鍵作為攝像機的預置鍵來(lái)使用。
- In the CAD for blanking die,how to correctly discriminate the dimension types of the edge is a key work. 在沖裁模刃口尺寸的計算機輔助設計中,正確地識別尺寸類(lèi)型是設計、計算最關(guān)鍵的一步。
- In the stalk pole spare part production line,it is a key work preface that straightener keep after the hot processing. 在軸桿類(lèi)零件生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中,熱處理后校直是一道關(guān)鍵工序。
- Plaintext imbedded into the divisors of a hyperelliptic curve is a key work in HECC. 明文信息嵌入到超橢圓曲線(xiàn)HEC的除子,是該密碼體制的一個(gè)重要的工作。
- Therefore, it is the key work of developing RCT that to design and manufacture Time-code Receiver IC independently. 自主設計和生產(chǎn)時(shí)間編碼接收芯片是我國發(fā)展RCT技術(shù)的關(guān)鍵。
- According to bioreactor landfill, it is the key work to control the moisture distribution in landfills. 對于生物反應器填埋場(chǎng),控制填埋場(chǎng)內部的水分分布是研究的關(guān)鍵之一。
- The emergency planning of major accident is the key work to ensure the fast and efficient rescue. 重大事故應急預案是保證企業(yè)應急救援工作快速、高效地開(kāi)展的關(guān)鍵。
- Weiliaozi takes an important position in the history of art of war, and Wei Zheng of the Tang Dynasty collected it into Key Works among Books, together with Sunzi and Wuzi. 《尉繚子》在兵學(xué)史上占有重要的地位,唐代魏征把它和《孫子》,《吳子》一起收入《群書(shū)治要》。
- The key works and the process characteristics.technique parameters,billet quality and improvement ofcontinuous casting for bearing steel in developed countries are introduced. 介紹了國外采用連鑄工藝生產(chǎn)軸承鋼的主要公司和廠(chǎng)家的有關(guān)工藝特點(diǎn)和參數以及鑄坯質(zhì)量和改進(jìn)措施。
- K.Gunther's Racial Typology of the German People, a key work of racial pseudo-science, is almost falling apart from frequent use. K.;岡特的“日耳曼民族的人種譜系學(xué)”,人種偽科學(xué)的一本主要著(zhù)作,因為過(guò)于頻繁的翻閱,幾乎都散了架子。
- The conversion between Grid DEMs and TINs is of critical significance in digital terrain analysis which is a key work in the watershed planning of the loess plateau region. 柵格DEM與TIN是DEM表面建模主要的2種方法。 應用DEM進(jìn)行地形分析時(shí),柵格DEM與TIN的相互轉換非常必要,但在轉換中所產(chǎn)生的誤差直接或間接地影響到分析結果的準確性。
- The mid-term stocktaking of the Bogor Goals is one of core issues for 2005 APEC Korean Summit. It is also a key work closely relevant to the future of APEC. 茂物目標中期審評是2005年APEC韓國年的重點(diǎn)議程之一,也是關(guān)系到APEC今后發(fā)展方向的關(guān)鍵性工作。
- All these problems will be tackled as crucial issues in key working programs in the future. 這些問(wèn)題將作為我們今后工作的重點(diǎn)領(lǐng)域和重點(diǎn)問(wèn)題加以解決。