- Faria had just sufficient strength to restrain him. 法利亞用最后一點(diǎn)力氣阻止了他。
- The light of an obscure moon was just sufficient to render objects, though dim, perceptible in their outlines. 在朦朧的月光下,四周雖然還相當陰暗,但周?chē)木拔镆廊浑[約可見(jiàn)。
- Or provided with a trickle of charity scholarships just sufficient to bring a handful of the brightest poor students to each campus? 還是用那一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)慈善性獎學(xué)金來(lái)供一小部分最優(yōu)秀的貧窮子弟來(lái)到每個(gè)大學(xué)?
- Breakeven Analysis: a technique for identifying the point at which total revenue is just sufficient to cover total cost. 盈虧平衡分析:一種確定總收入與總成本正好平衡關(guān)鍵點(diǎn)(關(guān)鍵因素)的技術(shù).
- He was intelligent, and just sufficiently educated to think himself a disciple of Epicurus,while he was, in reality, only a product of Pigault-Lebrun. 他善詼諧,通文墨,因而自以為是伊壁鳩魯的信徒,實(shí)際上也許只是比戈·勒白朗之流亞。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- He has just turned professional. 他剛轉為專(zhuān)業(yè)人員。
- Not many Sudanese have a real stake in the current oil boom, and elections might just sufficiently reshape the political landscape to alleviate the pressures from the centre on the long-suffering peoples of Darfur and the south. 蘇丹人與當前繁榮的石油經(jīng)濟利益攸關(guān),選舉可能有效重塑政治圖景,釜底抽薪舒緩達爾富爾與南部民眾長(cháng)久以來(lái)承受的壓力。
- He uses his loaf where you and I just muddle along. 他開(kāi)動(dòng)腦筋想辦法,你我則糊里糊涂混日子。
- He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard. 他只是鸚鵡學(xué)舌,拾人牙慧罷了。
- Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw. 她那不斷的訴苦真使我受不了。
- Stop gloating just because you won the game! 別因為贏(yíng)了就揚揚得意!
- I just want an ordinary car without the frills. 我只要一輛沒(méi)有多余裝飾的普通汽車(chē)。
- I'm just trying to refrain from drowsing at work. 我只是試著(zhù)別在工作時(shí)打瞌睡而已。
- His answer is just a rehash version of my lecture. 他的回答只不過(guò)是把我的講義重復了一遍。
- He had a bruise just below his left eye. 他有個(gè)傷疤正好在他左眼的下側。
- A telex has just arrived from Hong Kong. 剛收到一份香港打來(lái)的電傳。
- I'm just going to the church to see the priest. 我正要去教堂去見(jiàn)見(jiàn)牧師。
- Camping in summer is just what I have in mind. 夏日野營(yíng)正是我心里想的。
- We're just in time to catch the train. 我們正好趕上了火車(chē)。