- Joint whole life insurance policy 聯(lián)合終身壽險保單
- Term life policies provide coverage for specific periods of time, such as one year or five years or until the policyholder reaches a certain age, while whole life policies are not term dependent. 定期保單覆蓋某一特定時(shí)段,如一年、五年,或是保單持有人到達某個(gè)年齡,終身保單則沒(méi)有時(shí)間限制。
- She lived her whole life in the country. 她在農村度過(guò)一生。
- He dedicated his whole life to music. 他把自己的一生都獻給了音樂(lè )。
- A fair death honors the whole life. [諺]死得其所,流芳百世。
- He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals. 他終生獻身于珍稀動(dòng)物的保護。
- Her whole life has been given to the study of dance. 她一生獻身于研究舞蹈。
- He had devoted his whole life to the study of contemporary art. 他把他的一生都獻給了當代藝術(shù)研究。
- The parson has devoted his whole life to the church. 這位牧師把他的一生都獻給了教會(huì )。
- This event shaped his whole life. 這次事件決定了他的一生。
- Whole of life policy provides for the payment of a specific sum on the death, and death only, of the insured. 終生保險單規定,在被保人死亡時(shí),且只有在被保險人死亡時(shí)支付一筆數額特定的金錢(qián)。
- He spent his whole life sponging off his relatives. 他靠在眾親屬那兒蹭吃蹭喝過(guò)了一輩子。
- His whole life revolves around surfing. 他一生都在做沖浪運動(dòng)。
- I've waited for this moment my whole life long. 我一生都在等待這個(gè)時(shí)刻。
- whole life policy [醫] 終生保險單
- My whole life had come apart at the seams. 我的整個(gè)生活都崩潰了。
- Yes,I want to devote my whole life to God. 是的,我想把整個(gè)生命獻給上帝。
- You're still young your whole life lies before you! 你還年輕--整個(gè)人生還長(cháng)著(zhù)呢。
- He devoted his whole life to education. 他干了一輩子的教育工作。