- The motion you feel is the TMJ. You can also feel the joint motion in your ear canal. 你可以感覺(jué)到顳下頜關(guān)節的運動(dòng)。你還可以感覺(jué)到該關(guān)節在你外耳道內的運動(dòng)。
- Metal surfaces form a passie oxide film, and with joint motion this film is repeatedly remoed and reformed, with gradual roughening of the surface. 金屬表面可形成一層鈍性氧化膜,該膜隨著(zhù)關(guān)節運動(dòng)而反復剝落和形成,使表面逐漸變粗糙。
- From the results of the above two experiments, we found that the influence of VR visual environment has significant effect on the joint motion of knee and SSQ scores. 兩個(gè)實(shí)驗結果 皆發(fā)現,呈現方式會(huì )對膝關(guān)節的矢狀面角度變化量與SSQ分數有顯著(zhù)影響。
- The curves of angular displacement for the elbow joint motion were obtained by using functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) limbs motion measurement instruments. 緩慢連續變化的刺激脈沖能有效地緩解肱二頭肌的疲勞程度;
- A 24-year-old female, who complained of progressive right knee pain, limitation of knee pain, limitation of knee joint motion and ipsilateral muscle atrophy for 5 months. 一位24歲女性,有右膝關(guān)節疼痛活動(dòng)受限且同側大腿肌肉萎縮之病史5個(gè)月。
- However, ankle-foot orthosis exhibits some limitations, such as limited range of joint motion, limited muscle function, and infection due to local skin compression. 踝足矯形器在使用時(shí)也存在一些問(wèn)題,比如關(guān)節活動(dòng)范圍受限,導致肌肉功能受限,因為加重了局部皮膚受壓,容易引起感染等。
- Method In order to observe the changes of joint motion and spasticity in ambulation of 20 cerebral palsy children, rigid ankle foot orthoses made by hyperthermoplastic -polypropylene was used. 方法用高溫聚乙烯板料為20例患兒制作并使用硬踝足矯形器,觀(guān)察其對關(guān)節運動(dòng)及痙攣的影響。
- Objective: To observe and analysis the effect of ankle foot orthosis(AFO) on lower extremity stability, weight loading ability and range of joint motion(ROM) of the knee and ankle during walking. 目的:觀(guān)察和分析足下垂患者穿戴踝足支具(AFO)前后對下肢穩定性、負重能力、步行中膝、踝關(guān)節活動(dòng)的影響。
- Eighty-six cases (94 feet) were excellent: the foot looked near normal, the calcar pedis was erect, with plantigrade foot in walking, the range of the joint motion in foot was near normal. 足外形接近正常,行走時(shí)足底負重行走,足關(guān)節活動(dòng)度好86例(94足);
- The applicability of the model of jointed motion is discussed in reference to Fourier Transform. 根據傅立葉變換,討論了接合運動(dòng)模式的適用性。
- measurement of range of joint motion 關(guān)節運動(dòng)范圍度量
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打亂了全部安排。
- She fell and put her knee out of joint. 她摔得膝關(guān)節脫臼了。
- The doctor put his bone into the joint again. 醫生使他的骨頭復位。
- Take a seat, have a cigarette or a joint and I will be back in three minutes. 請坐,抽根香煙或大麻煙,我三分鐘內就回來(lái)。
- The joint between the hand and the forearm. 腕,腕關(guān)節手和前臂之間的關(guān)節
- A disease or an abnormality of a joint. 關(guān)節病病變或或畸形的關(guān)節
- They covenanted with us for establishing a joint venture. 他們就建立合資公司的事和我們簽了合約。
- All things there are out of joint. 那兒的一切都亂七八糟。
- He has started a joint venture in Singapore. 他已在新加坡辦起一家合資公司。