- Joint Investigation Group of the Education Departm, 作者:遼寧省教育廳聯(lián)合課題組
- Members of the special investigation group are few in number. 這個(gè)專(zhuān)門(mén)調查小組的成員為數不多。
- Visit plant area, the investigation group comes to antechamber. 參觀(guān)完廠(chǎng)區,考察團來(lái)到了接待室。
- An investigation group has been sent out to the spot to look into the matter. 已經(jīng)派去了一個(gè)調查組到現場(chǎng)去研究這件事。
- The two committees are conducting a joint investigation into the big increase in juvenile crime in town in the last few years. 兩個(gè)委員會(huì )對最近幾年來(lái)鎮上青少年犯罪率急劇上升進(jìn)行了聯(lián)合調查。
- A joint investigation involving provincial health and agricultural authorities found that chickens had died in the boy's neighbourhood in the days preceding symptom onset. 由省衛生和農業(yè)主管當局參與的聯(lián)合調查發(fā)現,在出現癥狀之前數天,該男童居住所在地區有雞死亡。
- Hong happened to be riding the ship's outer Wade, Wade for his whereabouts secret investigation group was. 洪所乘的船正好是韋德所在的外輪,其行蹤為韋德的秘密小組偵得。
- I will lead the investigatory group to Europe this time. 本次赴歐考察團由我帶隊。
- A local investigating group is sitting on the mystery of the stolen jewels. 當地的一調查組正在調查丟失的珠寶的秘密。
- August 23rd-28th ZCE organized an investigation group to Henan, Hebei and Shandong provinces to inspect cotton growth situations. 月23-28日,鄭商所組織會(huì )員單位對河南,河北,山東等棉花主產(chǎn)區進(jìn)行棉情考察活動(dòng)。
- We will only ban someone after we have verified through our exploit investigation group that they are in fact "botting" or hacking. 只有當違規調查組確認玩家的確使用掛機或外掛程序后,我們才會(huì )封殺。
- Chelsea are currently the subject of a joint investigation by the Premier League and Football Association over claims by Leeds of illegal approaches for three academy players last season. 切爾西正面臨英超聯(lián)合會(huì )和英足總的聯(lián)合調查,起因是利茲聲稱(chēng)去年切爾西跟他們的三名青年隊員有非法接觸。
- Mayor Wang Shunsheng met with and gave a banquet in honour of the Japanese Guangdong Economic Delegation and the investigation group of Toshiba Company on Nov.29. 市長(cháng)王順生29下午會(huì )見(jiàn)并宴請了前來(lái)我市考察的日本廣東經(jīng)濟協(xié)力會(huì )代表團及日本東芝公司調查團。
- Investigation group understanding chooses coal coal to pledge parameter detects automatically to Poland the current situation with process automata and development direction. 考察團了解到波蘭選煤煤質(zhì)參數自動(dòng)檢測和工藝過(guò)程自動(dòng)控制的現狀和發(fā)展趨向。
- Japanese as my major combined with practical experience in translating business documents. Worked as an interpreter in Japan for a Chinese investigation group for three months. 良好的大學(xué)教育,主修日語(yǔ),加上翻譯商務(wù)文件的實(shí)際經(jīng)驗。為中國考察團在日本當過(guò)三個(gè)月的譯員。
- And Federal Police Commander Ramzi Jabbour says the Sydney meeting has resolved to launch new joint investigations to get at the people running the sex slave trade. 你可以諒解,假定那些機構已經(jīng)在這個(gè)項目上公平而自由的分享了這些情報。
- The commission also has an internal investigation group which monitors the conduct of its officers and investigates complaints against ICAC officers. 廉署又設有一個(gè)內部調查組,負責監察該署職員的操守和調查有關(guān)他們的投訴。
- The joints investigation of mined-out areas shows that structure surface is dominative factor of roof stability of mined-out area in Jiaguo Mine. 夾溝礦采空區的節理調查表明,結構面是夾溝礦采空區頂板穩定性的主控因素。
- Good university education with Japanese as my major combined with practical experience in translating business documents. Worked as an interpreter in Japan for a Chinese investigation group for three months. 良好的大學(xué)教育,主修日語(yǔ),加上翻譯商務(wù)文件的實(shí)際經(jīng)驗。為中國考察團在日本當過(guò)三個(gè)月的譯員。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打亂了全部安排。