- The most complex of job shop systems is the open shop. 最復雜的定貨加工式工廠(chǎng)系統就是開(kāi)放式工廠(chǎng)。
- CIM differs from the traditional job shop manufacturing system in the role the computer plays in the manufacturing process. CIM與傳統的加工車(chē)間的制造系統的區別在于計算機在制造過(guò)程中所起的作用。
- The repairable queue system is an important model of queue theory. 摘要可修排隊系統是一種重要的排隊論模型。
- Job Shop Scheduling problem is an important problem in actual production of manufacturing system, it is also one of the difficult problems of theory research. 作業(yè)車(chē)間調度問(wèn)題是制造系統實(shí)際生產(chǎn)中的重要問(wèn)題,也是理論研究的難點(diǎn)之一。
- The common conceptual models of modern operations research, including flow shops, job shops and queuing systems (Pinedo, 2001) can be found in evolved forms in early 20th century industry。 人們觀(guān)察到這樣一種現象,一個(gè)成功的組織往往會(huì )在適當的時(shí)候創(chuàng )造性的打破標準的辦公流程;
- By analyzing the features of metro entry gate (EnG) queuing system, a computer simulation model is established. 摘要通過(guò)對城市軌道交通進(jìn)站檢票機排隊系統特徵的分析,建立了進(jìn)站檢票機仿真系統。
- The wafer fabrication environment is quite different from the usual flow shop or job shop environments, with a distinguishing feature being the reentrant flow of the lots through the system. 傳統上批次操作步驟是以人工方式依過(guò)去經(jīng)驗合成的,但這樣的作法不但缺乏效率,也很容易出錯。本論文嘗試根據派屈網(wǎng)來(lái)建構整數規劃模式,并據以產(chǎn)生出最佳物料輸送的操作步驟。
- The second is when you send an encrypted message to a queuing system other than Message Queuing. 第二種是將加密消息發(fā)送到消息隊列以外的隊列系統時(shí)。
- A foreign queue exists in a queuing system other than Microsoft Message Queuing. 外部隊列存在于非Microsoft消息隊列的隊列系統中。
- A structural model for large-scale projects is not far different from a job shop model. 一個(gè)大型工程項目的結構模型同一個(gè)定貨加工廠(chǎng)的模型相差不遠。
- Then you ll learn how to perform basic setup of the queuing system and how to create and submit jobs to the scheduler. 然后,您將學(xué)到如何對排隊系統進(jìn)行基本的設置,以及如何創(chuàng )建作業(yè),并將其提交給調度程序。
- A new local search method with hybrid neighborhood for Job shop scheduling problem is developed. 另辟蹊徑求解工廠(chǎng)作業(yè)調度問(wèn)題。
- Network including nodes and traffic is treated as a G/M/1/B (or G/D/1/B) queuing system. 將網(wǎng)絡(luò )節點(diǎn)和到達信息流之間視為G/M/1/B(或G/D/1/B)排隊系統,模擬信息從產(chǎn)生到消失的活動(dòng)情況,并統計排隊過(guò)程中平均排隊延遲和平均丟包率。
- SIMMM1 simulate a M/M/1 queueing system. (譯):SIMMM1模擬M/M/1排隊系統。
- Give the arithmetic examples of flow shop and job shop, and show their schedule Gantt pictures. 針對流水調度和作業(yè)調度給出了算法實(shí)例,并且繪制出了流水和作業(yè)調度的甘特圖。
- In this paper, we consider an M/H2/1 queuing system with balking, N-policy and multiple vacations. 摘要本文研究一個(gè)帶有止步和N-策略的M/H2/1多重休假排隊系統。
- Local search is a very important heuristic method for the job shop scheduling problem. 鄰域搜索是一種很重要的求解工件加工調度問(wèn)題的啟發(fā)式算法。
- Methods Queuing theory was used to make research on the queuing system of beds in medical center. 方法運用隨機服務(wù)系統理論對專(zhuān)科中心床位利用排隊系統進(jìn)行研究。
- The results have shown the effectiveness of particle swarm optimisation for flexible job shop scheduling. 實(shí)驗結果表明粒子群算法在柔性工作車(chē)間調度問(wèn)題的應用上是十分有效的。
- Methods Queuing theory was used to make research on the queuing system of operating tables on the hospital ship. 方法運用隨機服務(wù)系統理論對醫院船手術(shù)臺利用排隊系統進(jìn)行研究。