- Rethinking on the Market Profit Rate in the Stock Market of China 對中國證券市場(chǎng)市盈率的再認識
- The Theoretical Analysis of the Market Profit Rate and the General Judgment 市盈率的理論分析及一般判斷
- Market profit rate and market dividend rate--the discussion reasonable market profit rate problem In stock market 市盈率與市紅率--關(guān)于股市合理市盈率問(wèn)題的探討
- Standard Market Profit Rate of Average is the Most Important Guidance to Measure and Assess Investment Value for National Stock Market 標準平均市盈率是正確衡量和評價(jià)一國股市投資價(jià)值的唯一指標
- A study of the global market profit rates of China's stock market 中國證券市場(chǎng)總體市盈率研究
- Normally, retail profit rate is much higher than that of wholesale. 一般來(lái)說(shuō),零售的利潤率比批發(fā)大很多。
- Firstly, the characteristics of high profit rate and easy market access of the new economy are both opportunities as well as challenges. 第一、新經(jīng)濟的高利潤率和市場(chǎng)進(jìn)入比較容易的特點(diǎn),從一方面看是機遇,但從另一方面看則是挑戰。
- Market share and profit rate are two important indexes of industry"s economics research, it is a key performance index of enterprise"s development strategy. 市場(chǎng)占有率和利潤率既是產(chǎn)業(yè)經(jīng)濟學(xué)研究的兩項重要指標,又是企業(yè)發(fā)展戰略的關(guān)鍵績(jì)效指標。
- marketing profit rate 市盈率
- High profit rate and little restriction for market access result in rapid arrival of a large number of competitors, easy saturation of market and shortening life cycle of products. 高利潤率和較少的市場(chǎng)進(jìn)入限制意味著(zhù)大批競爭者快速到來(lái),市場(chǎng)容易達到飽和,產(chǎn)品生命周期縮短。
- Implementing the mortgage-backed securitization can pump plenty capital from the circulative market to the issuing market continuously, so it is helpful to solve the problem effectively. 通過(guò)實(shí)施住房抵押貸款證券化,將抵押貸款二級市場(chǎng)上豐富的社會(huì )資金源源不斷地泵入抵押貸款市場(chǎng)一級市場(chǎng),將有助于這一問(wèn)題的有效解決。
- The calculated indexes of CR4 and IHH show that Guangdong's newspaper market dominated by four newspaper groups, including issuing market and advertisement market, belongs to the style of oligopoly. 通過(guò)計算CR_4和I_HH兩個(gè)指數,得到的結果都表明廣東報業(yè)市場(chǎng)結構,無(wú)論是發(fā)行市場(chǎng),還是廣告市場(chǎng)都屬于高度寡占型,基本由四大報業(yè)集團壟斷。
- Kingstar enjoyes her reputation in the world due to the innovative, excellent product design, stable high product quality, on time shipment and protect customers' market profit. 堅仕達公司以創(chuàng )新、獨特的外觀(guān)設計,穩定的高品質(zhì),準時(shí)的交貨和擅長(cháng)保護客人的市場(chǎng)利益而享譽(yù)于世界各地的進(jìn)口商。
- "But it still affected building materials market profiteering. 但這依然影響了建材市場(chǎng)的暴利。
- The company's projected profit rate reaches the interest rate of bank deposits for a like period. 公司預期利潤率可達同期銀行存款利率。
- The return shall be used for that compute its income tax on the basis of deemed profit rate approved by local tax authorities. 經(jīng)主管稅務(wù)機關(guān)批準,采用核定利潤率方法進(jìn)行季度申報所得稅,可填報此表。
- So while total market sales continue to rise, total market profits decline. 所以,當市場(chǎng)總銷(xiāo)售繼續增長(cháng)時(shí),市場(chǎng)總贏(yíng)利就要下降。
- In Sraffa's system,however,different capital departments share "uniform profit rate". 在斯拉法體系中,不同的資本品部門(mén)卻擁有“統一利潤率”。
- Notice that total market profits are greatest when the market is growing. 注意,當市場(chǎng)擴大時(shí),整個(gè)市場(chǎng)贏(yíng)利也最大。
- The efficiency of bank operation contains: profit rate, turnover rate, debt redemption rate. 銀行經(jīng)營(yíng)效益主要由利潤率,周轉率,償債率三個(gè)因素構成。