- There is a line in China called the 15-inch isohyet. 毛澤東通過(guò)把中國封鎖起來(lái)以避免任何發(fā)展并清算與外國商人合作的階級來(lái)解決這一問(wèn)題。
- For professionals and people with meteorological background, please click the following hyperlink to see the isohyet chart. 對氣象有認識的人士及專(zhuān)業(yè)人員,請按以下的超連結,觀(guān)看等雨量線(xiàn)圖。
- The semivariogram models built by former analysis used as the input functions for Kriging that making isohyetal maps by integrating GIS. 為具體表現本區之臺風(fēng)降雨空間分布之情形,遂以前項所得之半變異函數作為克利金推估之輸入函數,并應用地理資訊系統建立等雨量線(xiàn)分布圖。
- From the isohyetal maps, we can display the spatial distribution of rainfall caused by typhoons in Nan Shih Creek watershed. 由等雨量線(xiàn)圖顯示,南勢溪集水區臺風(fēng)降雨之分布分別由東向西以及南向北之方向遞減;
- Application of computer technology to draw isohyetal line 計算機技術(shù)繪制等雨量線(xiàn)的應用
- Drawing isohyetal chart by irregular triangulation net method 利用不規則三角網(wǎng)法繪制三峽雨量等值線(xiàn)圖
- For a brief background information of the isohyet chart, please 如想了解等雨量線(xiàn)圖的背景資料,請
- Development of automatic drawing technique for rainfall amount isohyetal line chart based GIS in Songliao rivers basin 基于GIS的松遼流域雨量等值線(xiàn)自動(dòng)繪制技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)
- isohyetn. 等雨量線(xiàn)(等沉淀線(xiàn))
- isohyetaladj. 等雨量的
- isohyetal line 等雨量線(xiàn)
- isohyetal line chart 等雨量線(xiàn)圖
- isohyetal map 雨量分布圖,等雨量線(xiàn)圖
- isohyet 400mm 400mm等雨量線(xiàn)
- isohyetal method 等雨量線(xiàn)法
- precipitation isohyetal line 雨量等值線(xiàn)
- isohyetal chart 等雨量線(xiàn)圖