- This and Chen Shuibian “warms up the travel” the manner is consistent. 這和陳水扁“取暖之旅”的態(tài)度是一致的。
- Chen Shuibian stubbornly carries on the Taiwan independence, it can encounter the ignominious defeat inevitably! 陳水扁數典忘祖,一意孤行地搞分裂,必將遭到可恥的失??!
- Taiwan spies were arrested in China after President Chen Shuibian spoke of 496 ballistic missiles. 在陳水扁總統提及496洲際彈道飛彈后,臺灣間諜即遭中共逮捕。
- Chen Shuibian launders money the first channel is, Taiwan locality exchange shop or illegal money shop. 陳水扁洗錢(qián)的第一個(gè)渠道是,臺灣當地的兌換店或地下錢(qián)莊。
- Is sentenced guilty only then removes a name, this ruling to Chen Shuibian already is the spaciousness especially. 被判有罪才除名,這個(gè)裁決對陳水扁來(lái)說(shuō)已是格外的寬大。
- Chen Shuibian now is first suggested that he is good to Li Denghui, suppresses 75 dud. 陳水扁現在先是暗示自己對李登輝不錯,“壓住七十五顆未爆彈”。
- Chen Shuibian on 27th goes south Gaoxiong to seek the populace once again to support. 陳水扁27日再度南下高雄尋求民眾支持。
- Chen Shuibian also proposed, if the secret suffers the exposition, the use, to harms personally to Taiwan inestimably. 陳水扁還提出,機密若遭揭露、利用,對個(gè)人至臺灣損害無(wú)法估計。
- Chinese official warn Chen Shuibian of not insisting independence of Taiwan, including joining the United Nations. 中國官員警告陳水扁不要堅持臺獨,包括以臺灣名義加入聯(lián)合國。
- Chen Shuibian, Wu Shuzhen are the accomplice who invades, is a suspect to invade these government moneys together with Chen Zhenhui. 陳水扁、吳淑珍是侵占的共犯,涉嫌與陳鎮慧共同侵占這些公款。
- Chen Shuibian in each place ignition stirs up in populace's situation, Chang Neng saw that party membership congressman attends to Chen takes a stand. 陳水扁在各處點(diǎn)火煽動(dòng)群眾的場(chǎng)合里,更常能見(jiàn)到黨籍議員出席向陳表態(tài)。
- Chen Shuibian flies back to Taiwan Tuesday from Costa Rica, where he attended the inauguration of Costa Rican President Oscar Arias on Monday. 他星期一在那里參加了哥斯達黎加總統奧斯卡.;阿里亞斯的就職儀式。
- Abstract: "Legislature is long " Wang Jinping today (7 days) deny Chen Shuibian to look for him of purpose stoutly " form a cabinet " hearsay. 正文:"制憲院長(cháng)"王金平今日(7日)堅定不承認陳水扁故意找他"組閣"的謠言。
- On August 3, Chen Shuibian made a speech on "Two Countries, Taiwan and the Mainland, One On Each Side" and called for legislation to enable a "referendum" on Taiwan's future. 8月3日,陳水扁發(fā)表"臺灣、大陸一邊一國"的演說(shuō),并提出要對臺灣前途進(jìn)行立法"公民投票",
- He appealed that Chen Shuibian dares facing the judicature, plant which grows from the side knottiness, to clarifies the case and does not have the help. 他呼吁陳水扁勇于面對司法,旁生枝節,對澄清案情并無(wú)幫助。
- Zhongxinwang on September 25 Li Denghui said in the new book, if in Japan, the embezzlement person should commit hara-kiri, by this implied that Chen Shuibian embezzles. 中新網(wǎng)9月25日電李登輝在新書(shū)中稱(chēng),如果在日本,貪污的人就應該切腹,以此來(lái)暗指陳水扁貪污。
- The article said that Democratic Progressive Party has hesitanted when a decision needed, now has caused Chen Shuibian to become has attached maggot of the bone. 文章說(shuō),民進(jìn)黨一直當斷不斷,如今已使陳水扁成了附骨之蛆。
- The Chen Shuibian yesterday's performance, not less than was for Democratic Progressive Party the 22nd anniversary party holiday's biggest congratulatory gift. 陳水扁昨天的演出,不啻是給民進(jìn)黨二二周年黨慶的最大賀禮。
- As soon as Chen Shuibian mounts “being in power” the throne, took advantage of opportunity had declared originally must overthrow Jin Quan symbiont's new lord. 陳水扁一登上“執政”寶座,就順勢成了原本聲稱(chēng)要打倒的金權共生體的新主子。
- But Cai Yingwen whether to receive Chen Shuibian to hold under duress, will decide whether Democratic Progressive Party will degenerate toward the most deep place. 而蔡英文是否會(huì )受陳水扁挾持,將決定民進(jìn)黨是否將往最深處墮落下去。