- Currently, Beijing is the insurance companies mortgage insurance regulation changes are expected to be launched during the year instalment products. 目前,北京的保險公司正在修改房貸險條例,預計年內將推出分期付款的產(chǎn)品。
- DDL triggers can be used to audit or regulate changes to a database schema. DDL觸發(fā)器可用于審核或控制對數據庫架構的更改。
- Set up regulation database and Follow-up regulation change in different target market. 建立法規數據系統,并根據不同目標市場(chǎng)的更改做跟進(jìn)工作。
- Other factors which may impact the organization, such as financial, social or environmental conditions, and relevant statutory and regulatory changes. 可能影響組織的其他因素,如財務(wù)、社會(huì )或環(huán)境條件以及相關(guān)法律法規的變化等。
- But even with this loophole, the regulatory changes will make the backdoor of Hong Kong's capital markets much narrower. 但即使存在這一漏洞,規則的修改也將使香港資本市場(chǎng)的后門(mén)更加難進(jìn)。
- This arlicle discusscs the regulatory changes that PetroChina faced before and after it was listed on foreign stock markets. 論述了中國石油在上市前后面臨的政策環(huán)境所發(fā)生的變化。
- Since the report, no major regulatory changes have been made and bottlers haven\'t drastically altered their procedures, so the risk is likely still there. 該報告發(fā)表以后,相關(guān)的規定并無(wú)重大改變,而生產(chǎn)商也未明顯更改其生產(chǎn)流程,所以報告中提到的風(fēng)險仍很有可能存在。
- But regulatory change also is in order, Mr.Fink said, calling for global consistency in regulation and risk management. 但芬克認為,監管改革也要有序進(jìn)行,他呼吁全球在監管和風(fēng)險管控方面保持一致。
- This is the inverse of his earlier proposition. 這和他早些時(shí)候提的建議截然相反。
- Mike Rake, international chairman of KPMG, said the creation of a single global partnership would depend on regulatory changes, including new protection for auditors against catastrophic negligence claims. 雷克先生表示,單一合伙人制度的確立將取決于監管上的變化,包括在遭遇災難性失職索賠時(shí),給予審計公司新的保護。
- It's wrong of you to get around the regulation. 你存心規避規章制度是不對的。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 貴族通常反對社會(huì )變革。
- This regulation refers only to children. 這些規定僅適用于兒童。
- They want to see substantial changes. 他們想看到實(shí)質(zhì)性的變化。
- This city underwent great changes. 這座城市經(jīng)歷了巨大的變化。
- The minors are excepted from the regulation. 未成年者不在此限。
- The clubber's number on member's evidence. Use The DNH Clubber's number shows that you have accepted our regulations change or supplement. 俱樂(lè )部會(huì )員號碼在會(huì )員憑證上標示。使用此會(huì )員號碼,即表明你己接受本俱樂(lè )部的各項規定及變化和補充。
- She varied her dress as fashion changes. 她的衣著(zhù)隨著(zhù)潮流而變化。
- That regulation is not applicable to this case. 那條規定不適用于這一情況。
- He rings the changes on his old story. 他總是以不同的方式講他的老故事。