- Can Jones beat Smith? That's the acid test. 瓊斯能擊敗史密斯嗎?那是個(gè)嚴峻的考驗。
- The acid test for a policeman is whether he can resist bribes. 能否抗拒賄賂對於警察是決定性的考驗。
- The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency. 衡量駕駛員水平的決定性考驗,就是看他在緊急關(guān)頭能否保持鎮靜。
- Make FRESH ascorbic acid solution if kinetic trials need to be run. 把你的結果帶.;找助教看一下你所得結果的總體外觀(guān)
- This difficult task is an acid test for all of us. 這項困難的工作對于我們大家都是一種嚴格考驗。
- Ingested by itself, ascorbic acid can actually CAUSE oxidative damage. 按照這一說(shuō)法來(lái)講,抗壞血酸居然能夠引起氧化損傷。
- This difficult task is the acid test for all of us. 這項困難的工作對于我們大家都是一種嚴格考驗。
- To equate ascorbic acid alone with vitamin C is inaccurate and dangerous. 將抗壞血酸與維生素C等同是不正確,并且是危險的。
- Can Johns beat Smith? That's the acid test. 瓊斯能擊敗史密斯嗎?那是個(gè)嚴峻的考驗。
- Eclipses are a kind of acid test. 月食是一種嚴峻的考驗。
- Ascorbic acid and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate solution were used as the matrix modifier. 采用抗壞血酸和磷酸二氫銨作混合基體改進(jìn)劑,熱解涂層石墨管,塞曼扣背景。
- The acid test for a policeman is whether he can resist bribe. 能否抗拒賄賂對于警察是決定性的考驗。
- Ascorbic acid( AA) content in the fruit under different film was correlated with red/ blue ratios negatively. 抗壞血酸含量的高低與不同膜中的紫外和藍紫光的比例一致,與紅光/光比值相反。
- Acerola cherries provide 100% of our need for the natural ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) used in NUTRILITE products. 應用在紐崔萊產(chǎn)品中針葉櫻桃的提取物提供了100%25我們所需要的天然抗壞血酸(即人體所需的維生素C)。
- Effects of Fumigation with SO_2, NO_2 and their Mixture on Ascorbic Acid in Chinese Cabbage. SO_2、NO_2及其復合物對青菜體內抗壞血酸含量的影響
- The average consumption of niacin and ascorbic acid was adequate of retinol equivalent and riboflavin was low. 維生素中煙酸和抗壞血酸攝入充足,視黃醇當量和核黃素攝入偏低。
- As for the micronutrients,the intakes of niacin,ascorbic acid and iron reached or ... 而視黃醇當量、核黃素和鈣的攝入兩地都明顯不足。
- Using a reducer of ascorbic acid, similar rates of iron release from both DALFH and DALF were observed. 用抗壞血酸作為還原劑時(shí),DALF和DALFH 釋放鐵速率幾乎相同。
- You need to stand the acid test before you can become a translater. 你必須通過(guò)嚴格的考試,才能成為翻譯家。
- The fact is that ascorbic acid is only the preservative part of naturally occurring vitamin C. 事實(shí)上,抗壞血酸只是天然維生素C的能夠保存的部分。