- The chemistry of stars and interstellar space. 天體化學(xué)關(guān)于星和星際空間的化學(xué)
- Instead it continues to suffuse interstellar space like a gas. 它反倒是像氣體那樣,依然彌漫于星際之間。
- Stars condense from the matter scattered thinly through interstellar space. 恒星是疏散在星際空間的物質(zhì)凝聚而成的。
- On the edge: the Voyager spacecraft are on the verge of interstellar space. 旅行者號正接近太陽(yáng)系邊緣。
- In contrast, the interstellar dust collected by Stardust comes directly from local interstellar space. 與之相反,星塵號收集的星際塵埃直接來(lái)自星際空間。
- HH 32 is an excellent example of a "Herbig-Haro object," which is formed when young stars eject jets of material back into interstellar space. HH 32是恒星形成時(shí)向星際空間噴射噴流一類(lèi)恒星的典型代表。
- Some scientists even believe that it once may have exceeded the solar system and interstellar space outside the junction of the first line. 甚至有科學(xué)家認為,它一度可能已突破了太陽(yáng)系與外部星際空間的第一道交界線(xiàn)。
- These insignificant-seeming particles flow through interstellar space, carrying with them the essential components that make stars and planets possible. 這些看上去無(wú)關(guān)緊要的微粒漂浮在星際空間,自身攜帶著(zhù)使恒星和行星得以產(chǎn)生的不可或缺的成分。
- Primary galactic cosmic rays enter the solar system from interstellar space, and are made up of protons with energies above 100 MeV, extending up to astronomically high energies. 主要的銀河宇宙射線(xiàn)從星際空間進(jìn)入太陽(yáng)系,由能量在100兆電子伏以上的質(zhì)子組成,直到高達天文數字的能量。
- Billions of years ago Mira was likely similar to our Sun, but has now become a swollen red giant star, its outer layers of material blowing off into interstellar space. 數十億年前,苧藁增二是一顆類(lèi)似我們太陽(yáng)的恒星,但現在變成了一顆腫脹的紅巨星,它外層的物質(zhì)被吹到星際太空中。
- A supernova not only blasts the heavy elements formed in the star out into interstellar space, but also initiates its own nuclear reaction, producing even heavier elements. 超新星不僅把恒星內形成的重元素拋入星際空間,而且它本身也會(huì )引發(fā)核反應產(chǎn)生更重的元素。
- Cut off from contact with the outer world, and with the past, the citizen of Oceania is like a man in interstellar space, who has no way of knowing which direction is up and which is down. 大洋國公民與外界隔絕,與過(guò)去隔絕,就像生活在星際的人,分不清上下左右。
- Stardust collected these particles between February and May 2000, and again between August and December 2002, while passing through a stream of dust that flows into our solar system from interstellar space. “星塵”在2000年二月和五月以及2002年8月至12月穿越一股流入太陽(yáng)系的星際氣體流時(shí)收集這些微粒。
- Challenge of Military Contests on Outer Space Law 太空軍備競賽對外層空間法的挑戰
- IISE; International Institute of Space Law; 國際空間法學(xué)會(huì );
- A Review and Prospect of Space Law (Continued) 世紀之交空間法的回顧與展望(下)
- ECSWTR; European Centre for Space Law; 歐洲空間法中心;
- Interstellar Space laboratory of Goblin Academy 地精研究院星際空間實(shí)驗室
- Space Information Fight and International Space Law 空間信息作戰與國際空間法
- Teaching and Research on International Space Law 國外國際空間法的教學(xué)與研究