- The existence of trennungsprinzip owes to the independence of juristic act of right in rem. 物權行為的獨立性決定了區分原則的必然存在。
- In Romen Law, two special types of land lease developed into right in rem: emphyteusis and superfices. 摘要在羅馬法中,有兩種特殊的土地租賃權演化為物權:永佃權與地上權。
- The claim right in rem,originating from Roman Law,is built on and a remedial right for right in rem. 物上請求權是對物權的一種救濟性權利,是一項基于物權而產(chǎn)生的請求權。
- The right of mining is a sort of the qualified right in rem, and it contains usufructuary right and security interest. 采礦權是他物權,是用益物權和擔保物權的統一。
- The right to use maritime space is a novel right in rem, and real right for usufruct in the typical right in rem, but not semi right in rem. 海域使用權系一新穎的物權,且屬于典型物權中的用益物權,而非準物權。
- Their concepts,differences,theoretical foundation and determination of validity are development of the theory juristic act of right in rem. 此"任督二脈"的概念、區別、存在的理論基礎及效力認定,均為物權行為理論的展開(kāi)。
- As one of the most important elements of the LAW of THINGS, the system of the registration of real estate plays a significant role on the change of real estate right in rem. 不動(dòng)產(chǎn)登記制度是物權法的制度基礎,在不動(dòng)產(chǎn)物權變動(dòng)中起著(zhù)舉足輕重的作用。
- But this round of controversy can leadpeop le to meditate the errors in the legislation of the right in rem and how to better the legislation of the right inrem. 惟其如此,我們才更需加倍努力、不斷探索,在準確把握物權立法價(jià)值的基礎上,為當今中國制定一部真正意義的財產(chǎn)基本法。當今的中國已不能再有缺少時(shí)代和國情特點(diǎn)的物權法了。
- Trennungspringzip is to differentiate the juristic act of right in rem from the juristic act of credit, rather than differentiate between the shifting of jus in rem and its reason. 區分原則,不是物權變動(dòng)與原因行為的區分,而是引起物權變動(dòng)的物權行為與原因行為即債權行為的區分。
- Subprovision should be composed of right of personality, law of relatives, law of succession, right in rem, general principle of right of obligation, and the general provisions of contract law. 分則應為人格權、親屬法、繼承法、物權、債權總則、合同法的一般規定;
- With the demands of using res corporols enhancing in modern society, the centre is transforming from ownership to usufruct and guarantee right in rem is playing a more and more important role. 但是,擔保物權是民法中為了保障交易順利進(jìn)行而設置的一個(gè)很重要的規定。隨著(zhù)現代商品社會(huì )對物的利用需求加大,以所有權為中心正向以物的利用為中心轉化,擔保物權正扮演著(zhù)越來(lái)越重要的角色。
- The article analyzes the respective component parts, content of legal fo rce, characters and other issues of claim of right in rem based on usufructuary right and on real right for security. 另一方面 ,他物權也應有妥適之保護措施 ,方合“權利應受保護”之基本私法理念 ,而免權利歧視之虞。
- At this cross-section, it is impossible to iron out the "Matthew effect" induced by the potential energy of "monopoly in rights in rem". 并且在這一交叉層面的“物權壟斷”勢能所產(chǎn)生的“馬太效應”不可能熨平。
- Nothing feels right in our new house. 我們新房子里,樣樣都覺(jué)得不對勁。
- In the field of rights in rem, equity at the lower level is not contradictory with efficiency. 摘要在物權領(lǐng)域,淺層面的物權公平與物權效率并不矛盾。
- He is in the right in this dispute. 在這場(chǎng)辯論中他是正確的。
- Everything will be all right in the end. 最終一切都會(huì )好的。
- Do what is right in your own sight. 做你認為對的事。
- Social efficiency and social equity can be in harmony when private efficiency is upgraded to social efficiency through the socialization of rights in rem. 通過(guò)物權社會(huì )化,讓私人性物權效率提升為社會(huì )效率,則社會(huì )效率與社會(huì )公平能和諧一致。
- Put the tea things right in the middle of the table. 把茶具放在桌子正中。