- Avail with stable sources and proper amount of forex income to cover annual interest and dividend payments for their B shares. (二)有穩定的,數額比較充足的外匯收入來(lái)源,其年度外匯收入來(lái)源總額應足夠支付B種股票的年度股息紅利額。
- The rise in foreign currency assets was due mainly to valuation gains on foreign currency investments, and interest and dividend income from foreign currency assets. 外幣資產(chǎn)增加,主要是因為外幣投資的估值,以及來(lái)自外幣資產(chǎn)的利息及股息收入。
- The decrease in foreign currency assets was due mainly to a decrease in Certificates of Indebtedness, which was partly offset by interest and dividends from foreign currency assets. 外幣資產(chǎn)減少,主要是因為負債證明書(shū)減少,但有關(guān)減幅因來(lái)自外幣資產(chǎn)的利息及股息而被部分抵銷(xiāo)。
- The current account of the balance of payments is the sum of the balance of trade (exports less imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid). 國際收支中的經(jīng)常賬戶(hù)是指貿易收支的總和(商品和服務(wù)的出口減去進(jìn)口),減去生產(chǎn)要素收入(例如利息和股息),然后減去轉移支付(例如外國援助)。
- In China, the accounting standards classify the receipts from interests and dividends as cash flows from investing activities. 在中國,會(huì )計準則中是把收到的利息和股利列為投資活動(dòng)產(chǎn)生的現金流量類(lèi)中的。
- committee on interest and dividends 利率和股息委員會(huì )
- As the cash receipts from interests and dividends, the FASB and the IASC also classify the cash payments for interests as cash flows from operating activities. 正像收到的利息和股利列作經(jīng)營(yíng)活動(dòng)的現金流入一樣,國際會(huì )計準則委員會(huì )和財務(wù)會(huì )計準則委員會(huì )也把支付的利息歸入經(jīng)營(yíng)活動(dòng)產(chǎn)生的現金流量。
- Although the interests and dividends are associated with investing activities, the FASB and the IASC classify the cash receipts from interests and dividends as cash flows from operating activities. 雖然利息和股利是與投資活動(dòng)聯(lián)系在一起的,但是,國際會(huì )計準則委員會(huì )和財務(wù)會(huì )計準則委員會(huì )都把收到的利息和股利歸入經(jīng)營(yíng)活動(dòng)產(chǎn)生的現金流量類(lèi)中。
- The point is there is a difference between an interest and a skill. 這就是興趣與技能是有區別的。
- I obtain my income in the form of director fees and dividends. 我的收入是按董事費和分紅的形式提取的。
- To me,these were issues of interest and importance. 對我而言,這些問(wèn)題都很有意思,也很重要。
- With the help of interest and amusement. 借助興趣及消遣。
- The reader cannot withhold his interest and admiration. 讀者無(wú)法抑制自己的興趣和贊佩。
- It will be most interesting and informative to hear Mr. Smith. 屆時(shí)能聆聽(tīng)到史密斯先生演講,定會(huì )是極為有趣和增長(cháng)見(jiàn)識的。
- The book caused great interest and argument. 這本書(shū)引起了人們極大的興趣和爭論。
- He can count on her interest and understanding. 他相信她所表現出來(lái)的興趣和理解。
- Defining the event week around the announcement of the tax relief act, we examine the dividend tax cut effect on stock prices in the United States. 將減輕賦稅法案宣布該周定義為事件周,我們檢視股利稅率減免對美國股價(jià)所造成的影響。
- Preserves the esthetic interest and so on. 保存審美趣味等。
- She approaches them with interest and with energy. 通過(guò)興趣和精神的活力走近他們。
- Thankyou for your interest and support! 感謝大家的關(guān)注和支持!