- The financial markets reached a significant milestone yesterday as a key interbank lending rate fell to a record low. 銀行間關(guān)鍵貸款利率日前跌至創(chuàng )紀錄低點(diǎn),這成為金融市場(chǎng)上一個(gè)重要的里程碑。
- Even now, there are lingering traces of mistrust in longer-term interbank lending rates, which still look unduly high compared with overnight lending. 即使現在,在長(cháng)期銀行間拆貸率中仍然或多或少可以看見(jiàn)這些不信任的影子,使得這些長(cháng)期拆貸率大大高于隔夜拆貸率。
- These unprecedented measures began to have some effect: interbank lending resumed and the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) improved. 這些前所未有措施開(kāi)始顯現一些效果:銀行間拆借恢復,倫敦銀行同業(yè)拆借利率有所改善。
- The London interbank rate, the key lending rate known as Libor, has been inching lower. 幾個(gè)星期前,秉硯照例隨著(zhù)垃圾車(chē)經(jīng)過(guò)她的店門(mén)口,而她也像往常一樣站在街燈下等垃圾車(chē)。
- These unprecedented measures began to have some effect: interbank lending resumed and the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) improved.Thefinancial crisis showed signs of abating. 本次金融危機的顯著(zhù)特點(diǎn)是危機并不是由外部因素,例如石油輸出國組織提高油價(jià)造成的,而是由金融系統本身導致。
- The government has reduced the lending rate for poor families. 政府對條件困難的家庭實(shí)行貸款減息政策。
- Because of ample liquidity in the interbank market, banks had cut their best lending rates and savings deposit rates despite a stable policy interest rate in the US. 盡管美國的政策利率保持穩定,但由于銀行同業(yè)市場(chǎng)流動(dòng)資金充裕,銀行調低最優(yōu)惠貸款利率及儲蓄存款利率。
- Prime lending rates in Hong Kong look to remain steady, despite the base rate reduction, as the interbank borrowing costs stay high amid the global credit crunch. 全球信用緊縮情況下,由于銀行同業(yè)借貸成本較高,貨款基本利率有所下降,但香港最優(yōu)貸款利率仍將保持穩定。
- In 1994, a unified interbank lending market was established nationwide, and in 1997 the interbank securities market was set up. 1994年建立全國統一的銀行間同業(yè)拆借市場(chǎng),1997年成立銀行間債券市
- Interest rates on a wide range of asset classes, especially interbank lending, asset-backed commercial paper and junk bonds, rose sharply relative to riskless U.S. 不同資產(chǎn)級別的折現回報率,尤其是銀行同業(yè)借拆率,資產(chǎn)抵押商業(yè)票據以及次級債券對美國無(wú)風(fēng)險短期國債的基差大輻升水。
- That has been one of the main causes of the convulsions in interbank lending markets, a usually humdrum corner of the financial system which once again is showing signs of strain. 那就是銀行同業(yè)拆放市場(chǎng)出現混亂的重要原因之一,銀行同業(yè)拆放基本是在處在金融體系中平靜一角的,現在金融體系也一再發(fā)出緊縮信號。
- This development forced money-centre banks to hoard liquidity for their own requirements, leading to a cessation of anything but overnight interbank lending. 這種情況迫使以資金為中心的銀行儲藏流動(dòng)性,以備自己之需,導致隔夜同業(yè)拆借交易停止。
- The best lending rate quoted by major banks in Hong Kong was lowered by a total of 438 basis points during the year. 年內,本港各大銀行曾多次調低最優(yōu)惠貸款利率,合共調低438基點(diǎn)。
- The movement of the best lending rate quoted by major banks matched that of the savings deposit rate. 各大銀行所報的最優(yōu)惠貸款利率走勢,與儲蓄存款利率的變動(dòng)一致。
- Interbank lending froze. 銀行間供貨凍結。
- The People's Bank of China raised the benchmark one-year lending rate for the third time. 中國人民銀行第三次上調一年期貸款基準利率。
- Borrowing pool [IBRD] Pool of IBRD funded debt used to determine on a semi-annual basis the IBRD lending rate. 借款總庫[國際復興開(kāi)發(fā)銀行]指國際復興開(kāi)發(fā)銀行資助的債務(wù)總和,用來(lái)確定其每半年調整一次的貸款利率。
- After the hikes, the benchmark one-year deposit rate is 3.6 percent while one-year lending rate is 7.02 percent. 一年期存款基準利率和一年期貸款基準利率分別上調至3.;6%25和7
- The central bank hiked its key lending rate to 11.5% from 8.5% to try to make holding forints more attractive. 為抑制市場(chǎng)持有福林的興趣,央行將關(guān)鍵貸款利率從8.;5%25上調到11
- Then it analyzed financing cost finding out its cause is high lending rate and financing cost. 接著(zhù)再分析其融資成本,發(fā)現其原因是借款利率和融資費用偏高。