- This dissertation studies on an intelligent database system of welding procedures (WPIDBS), which is based on artificial intelligence technology by introducing ES tool to database management system (DBMS). 根據焊接工藝計算機一體化管理的需求,本文在分析已有焊接工藝專(zhuān)家系統和焊接工藝數據庫系統現狀的基礎上,結合焊接工藝的技術(shù)特點(diǎn),在數據庫管理系統中引入專(zhuān)家系統工具,設計了基于人工智能技術(shù)的焊接工藝智能數據庫系統(WPIDBS)。
- Study on intelligent database system of welding procedures 焊接工藝智能數據庫系統的研究
- Design and Realization of Intelligent Database System of Welding Procedures 焊接工藝智能數據庫系統的設計與實(shí)現
- Constructing the Intelligent Database System Based on Digitized Library 構建基于數字化圖書(shū)館的智能化數據庫系統
- MIDS Multimedia Intelligent Database Systems 多媒體智能數據庫系統
- No need for large database system. 不需要大型數據系統。
- In a relational database system, the columns of a relation. 在關(guān)系數據庫中,一個(gè)關(guān)系的列。
- The agricultural expert database system of the fruiter planting is established by needs analysis of agricultural production and management, intelligent arithmetic and data study. 通過(guò)對農業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營(yíng)活動(dòng)的需求分析,采用智能化算法進(jìn)行數據挖掘,建立起果樹(shù)種植農業(yè)專(zhuān)家系統;
- The texts are in a state-of-the-art database system. 這些文本使用的是最先進(jìn)的數據庫系統。
- Reset the clock on the database system to the correct time. 將數據庫系統上的時(shí)鐘重置為正確的時(shí)間。
- In a relational database system,the columns of a relation. 在關(guān)系數據庫中,一個(gè)關(guān)系的列。
- DDB is combination of computer network and database system. 分布式數據庫是計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò )與數據庫系統的有機結合。
- Backup/Recovery,Performance tuning in DB2 database system. 備份、修復、調整及優(yōu)化DB2數據庫系統。
- The EMS memory database system is realized by DLL and FileMaping. 內存數據庫利用動(dòng)態(tài)鏈接庫和內存映射文件加以實(shí)現。
- Knowledge discovery in database(KDD), a new tool and technique for automatic and intelligent database analysis, is a quite active domain for the moment. 數據庫知識發(fā)現(KDD)研究如何從大量的數據中智能地、自動(dòng)地提取出有價(jià)值的知識和信息,是當前相當活躍的研究領(lǐng)域。
- Abraham Silberschatz Henry F.Korth,Database System Concepts. 薩師煊;王珊.;第三版;北京;高等教育出版社;2000
- ACM Transactions on Database Systems. 美國計算機學(xué)會(huì )數據庫系統匯刊。
- Generalized Search Trees for Database Systems. 數據庫普通查詢(xún)樹(shù)。
- 7 Michael L. Brodie et.al..Future Artificial Intelligence Requirements For Intelligent Database System.Expert Database Systems, 1989 6劉青等.;一個(gè)用于支持電網(wǎng)調度管理多專(zhuān)家系統聯(lián)合決策的分布式數據庫系統