- Political integrity and ability meet in her. 她德才兼備。
- It is said to symbolize integrity and serenity. 傳說(shuō)中;竹,象征著(zhù)正值與寧靜相處。
- Integrity and good communication skill. 工作可靠;有良好的溝通技巧.
- They admired his integrity and his calm bravery. 他們欽佩他的正直、沉著(zhù)和剛毅。
- Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. 以正直和誠實(shí)來(lái)辨別所有的行為。
- What is both the integral and concrete object of linguistics? 語(yǔ)言學(xué)的又完整又具體的對象是什么呢?
- The application server and gateway then go through a standard authentication process each authenticating itself to the other and establish a session. 然后應用程序服務(wù)器和網(wǎng)關(guān)進(jìn)行標準的認證過(guò)程,向對方提供自己的認證信息并建立會(huì )話(huà)。
- Numerical integration of ordinary integrals and line integrals. 一般的積分以及線(xiàn)積分的數值積分。
- Where moral integrity and benevalent rule are prevalent. 德行天下。
- Not to mention anything else, with Xiangzi there the yard and gateway were always swept clean as could be. 有祥子在這兒,先不提別的院子與門(mén)口永遠掃得干干凈凈。
- Moral integrity and unselfishness are the flowers of life. 道德,無(wú)私心就是生命的花。
- Professional organization in value integration and propagation. 專(zhuān)業(yè)的形象整合傳播機構。
- Once a switch is configured with an IP address and gateway, it can be accessed in this way. 一旦交換器設有一個(gè)IP位址與閘道,就可以從所設定的通道來(lái)存取。
- Inspecting integrity and flexibility of rudder appliance. 艉軸管滑油系統的投油清洗舵裝置完整性與輕便性檢查。
- Such a spatial orientation highlights the locational and functional characters of ACD and gateway city. 6. 這一空間定位模式尤其突出并明確了三角洲頂點(diǎn)城市和門(mén)戶(hù)城市的城市區位與職能特征。
- Live Mil is quite good! like it. it's so integrated and convenience! 工作上;管理人事;真是件難事.;我總覺(jué)得有人防我;好麻煩!
- Separate the application from its integration and deployment. 將應用程序與集成和部署分離開(kāi)來(lái)。
- Adhere to the Business philosophy of integrity and innovation. 秉持誠信創(chuàng )新的經(jīng)營(yíng)理念
- Few writers can compare with Lu Xun in his integrity and bravery. 就正直和勇氣而言,很少有作家能和魯迅相提并論。
- Then fly across to Calcutta - a world of imposing monuments, quaint ethnic townships and gateway to the Sunderbans, home of the Royal Bengal Tiger. 然后飛到Calcutta-一個(gè)充滿(mǎn)莊嚴的紀念碑、古色古香的少數民族城鎮,從這可以到達孟加拉虎的家園Sunderbans。