- An al-Qaeda-led insurgent group has claimed responsibility. 一個(gè)基地組織領(lǐng)導的反叛組織聲稱(chēng)對此事負責。
- Witness say the insurgent group Outshiba sees the town of Jaha Sunday. 目擊者稱(chēng)周日青年黨占據了抓哇的一個(gè)鎮。
- Insurgent groups in N-E getting help from China? 印度東北地區的反叛組織從中國獲得了幫助?
- Taliban set a fresh deadline to free prisoners of the insurgent group in exchange for the lives of 21 South Korean hostages. 塔利班重新劃定最終期限,以釋放叛軍囚犯換取21名韓國人質(zhì)生命安全。
- All is well, a propertied Taliban spokesman has told the Reuters news agency the insurgent group will quote "Resist till the last gasp". 一切尚好,一個(gè)蒙面的塔利班發(fā)言人告訴路透社新聞機構,他們的武裝團體將"堅持到最后時(shí)刻"。
- An insurgent group has posted this video online and says it shows a US helicopter being shot down in central Iraq, while the clip has not yet been authenticated. 一伙武裝分子將這則錄像在網(wǎng)上播放,展示一架美國直升機在伊拉克中部被擊落的情形,但還未鑒別出其真實(shí)性。
- Still, large-scale attacks by terrorists and insurgent groups continue in Iraq. 對于恐怖分子來(lái)說(shuō),伊拉克就是糾集阿拉伯暴民對抗美國的地方。
- Some analysts have speculated that Sunni insurgent groups have regrouped. 一些分析家推測,遜尼派武裝團體已再次集結。
- Iranian media say the Sunni Muslim insurgent group Jundollah (God's soldiers) has claimed responsibility for Sunday's bombing in Sistan-Baluchestan province, which killed 42 people in all. 據伊朗媒體報道:遜尼派反動(dòng)武裝“真主旅”已宣稱(chēng)對此次事件負責,這次發(fā)生在錫斯坦-俾路支斯坦省的爆炸襲擊共造成42人死亡。
- Initially,they formed insurgent groups to wage guerrilla warfare for as long as seven years. 初期,他們組織義軍,進(jìn)行武裝游擊抵抗,前后達七年之久。
- Through Sunnis in his government, such as the defence minister, he has been seeking out insurgent groups that might parley. 雖然在他政府里的遜尼派,如國防部長(cháng),一直在試圖與暴亂的遜尼派社團取得可行性談判。
- Initially, they formed insurgent groups to wage guerrilla warfare for as long as seven years. 初期,他們組織義軍,進(jìn)行武裝游擊抵抗,前后達7年之久。
- Analysts say that, of all the insurgent groups, the Haqqani network has the closest ties to Al Qaeda. 分析人士認為,在所有叛亂者組織中,數哈卡尼網(wǎng)絡(luò )與基地組織的聯(lián)系最為密切。
- US military officials say insurgent groups, feeling the pressure from the crackdown, have hit back by stepping up their car bombings with their devastating death tolls. 美國的軍方官員聲稱(chēng),反政府組織由于感受到打擊行動(dòng)的壓力,通過(guò)不斷制造大規模的自殺式汽車(chē)爆炸事件來(lái)還擊。
- With the Kachin independent army in control of northern Myanmar, they too have been noticed selling arms to various insurgent groups. 控制著(zhù)緬甸東部地區的克欽獨立軍隊,他們也被通知出售武器給各個(gè)叛亂組織。
- The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband says insurgent groups in Afghanistan must be broken up and some of them reintegrated into Afghan politics. 英國外長(cháng)大衛米利班德說(shuō)阿富汗叛兵小組必須瓦解,當中的有些人重新融進(jìn)了阿富汗政客圈。
- At the same time, General Odierno says he has ordered his commanders to put more effort into contacting insurgent groups and trying to get them to stop their attacks. 同時(shí),他還說(shuō)他命令自己的指揮官主要是接觸這些叛亂集團,并試圖說(shuō)服他們停止攻擊。
- Worse, the strongest of the insurgent groups, the Shabab, is even more radical than the Islamic Courts movement which the Americans and Ethiopians originally took on. 更糟的是,現勢力最為強大的沙巴激進(jìn)組織比原先美國和埃塞俄比亞對付的伊斯蘭法庭聯(lián)盟還要激進(jìn)。
- The situation has been complicated further by the influx of hardline and ideologically motivated fighters joining the Taliban and other insurgent groups from across the Pakistani border. 隨著(zhù)不斷有意識形態(tài)動(dòng)機的強硬武裝分子加入塔利班以及有其他叛亂團伙越過(guò)巴基斯坦邊境,局勢變得更為復雜。
- Other officials Iraqi and American are more worried.They observe jihadi and other insurgent groups activating networks of sleeper cells who are already striking government and civilian targets. 伊拉克和美國的其它官員更加擔心了,他們發(fā)現圣戰組織和其它叛亂組織激活了本地蟄伏的恐怖分子的工作網(wǎng)絡(luò )。