- The real estate market of Jilin Province is still underdevelopment despite fast development in recent years,the price of house is far below the average level of China and the main two problems are the constraint of supply and insufficiency of demand. 近年來(lái)吉林省房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)得到了長(cháng)足的發(fā)展,但是吉林省的房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)仍然處于一個(gè)較為初級的發(fā)展階段,房屋價(jià)格遠遠低于全國平均水平,而且面臨著(zhù)較為嚴重的供給約束和有效需求不足問(wèn)題。
- The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求規律決定商品的價(jià)格。
- We must try to maintain the equilibrium of supply and demand. 我們必須努力保持供求均衡。
- Overhang Excess, normally of supply over demand. 過(guò)剩額一般指供應過(guò)于需求的余額。
- It's a textbook marriage of supply and demand. 供求雙方各得其所,合作十分理想。
- Does the law of supply and demand operate? 供給和需求有運作的法則嗎?
- The law of supply and demand is simple. 供求規則很簡(jiǎn)單。
- Insufficiency of blood, asthenia of yangqi. 主治:1、陰血不足,陽(yáng)氣虛弱癥。
- The laws of supply and demand do not applyhere. 供需法則并不適用于此地。
- The laws of supply and demand do not apply here. 供需法則并不適用于此地。
- The law of supply and demand; the law of averages. 供需法則;平均法則。
- I got miles of supply and piles of demand! 我有數不完的貨物和成堆的要求!
- Do you know the law of supply and demand. 你知道供應和需求的原理。
- The law of supply and demand govern the price of goods. 供求規律決定商品的價(jià)格。
- The insufficiency of the evidence precludes a conviction. 證據不足無(wú)法定罪。
- Corporeity of children are often in insufficiency of spleen. 小兒體質(zhì)有"脾常不足"特點(diǎn)。
- We pasted the enemy's greatest source of supply . 我們對敵人最大的補給來(lái)源予以重擊。
- A surplus of supply will lead to a drop in price. 供過(guò)于求將導致物價(jià)下跌。
- Insufficiency of vital qi is the intrinsic factor of the occurrence of disease. 正氣不足是發(fā)病的內在根據。
- How to control the cost of supply chain? 如何進(jìn)行供應鏈的成本控制?