- Hygienic standard for inland navigation deluxe cru. 內河豪華旅游船衛生標準。
- inland navigation projects 內河航運工程
- Inland navigation vessels - Anchoring, coupling, towing, hauling and mooring systems. 內河航運船舶.;拋錨;耦合;拖曳;牽引和停泊系統
- inland navigation and electricity junction project 內河航電樞紐工程
- Bilge oils from inland navigation 內河航行產(chǎn)生的艙底油
- Inland navigation vessels - Rope tubs 內河航運船舶。繩索槽
- International Union for Inland Navigation 國際內陸航運聯(lián)盟
- System Engineer of navigation project 汽車(chē)導航項目系統工程師
- Maneuvering and Navigation Project 機動(dòng)飛行與導航計劃
- Therefore the ship maneuvering simulator have broad application on navigability project approachment. 在此基礎上,探討了運用船舶操縱模擬器進(jìn)行通航方案論證模擬試驗的具體步驟與方法。
- Benefit Analysis of Inland River Navigation Projects 內河航運項目效益分析
- Hydraulic steering gear on the inland navigation ships 內河船液壓舵機
- The Application of ITS in Accident Prevention of Inland Navigation ITS技術(shù)在內河海事預防中的應用
- Shipborne Integrated Maneuvering and Navigation Project 船舶綜合機動(dòng)與導航計劃
- Article 86 The government may collect river construction fees from vessels that travel on the inland navigable waters and between the harbors instituted and maintained by the government. 第86條(河工費之徵收)政府因辦理及維護內陸通航水道及其港埠工程,得向通行之船舶徵收河工費,
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因為河上有暗礁,所以在這條河上航行很困難。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都盡責,這個(gè)項目肯定會(huì )成功。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒險從事一項富有雄心的計畫(huà)。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那個(gè)研究課題只取得部分成功。
- There's not much jungle 100 miles inland. 向內地100英里處叢林較少。