- We must aim at increasing/to increase exports. 我們要力求增加出口貨物。
- We should forcefully increase export of agricultural products. 努力擴大農產(chǎn)品出口。
- We should allow more producers to engage in export on their own to encourage them to increase export volumes. 我們應當進(jìn)一步擴大生產(chǎn)企業(yè)自營(yíng)出口,調動(dòng)企業(yè)增加出口的積極性。
- We should encourage and help relatively competitive enterprises with various forms of ownership to invest abroad in order to increase export of goods and labor services and bring about a number of strong multinational enterprises and brand names. 鼓勵和支持有比較優(yōu)勢的各種所有制企業(yè)對外投資,帶動(dòng)商品和勞務(wù)出口,形成一批有實(shí)力的跨國企業(yè)和著(zhù)名品牌。
- We must aim at increasing / to increase exports. 我們要力求增加出口貨物。
- Export VAT rebate: Premier Wen decided to increase export VAT rebate for textile, garments, light industry, steel, non-ferrous, petro-chemical, and IT products, details not disclosed. '''出口退稅''':溫總理決定增加對紡織品、服裝、輕工業(yè)產(chǎn)品、鋼鐵、有色金屬、石油化工和IT產(chǎn)品的出口增值稅退稅額度。
- Second,striving to increase exports and actively using foreign capital. 第二,努力擴大出口,積極利用外資。
- Second, striving to increase exports and actively using foreign capital. 第二,努力擴大出口,積極利用外資。
- They try to increase exports by depreciating their currencies even further. 他們設法通過(guò)讓貨幣貶值來(lái)達到出口增加。
- We increased export rebate rates for textiles, garments and other labor-intensive products, as well as high value added products with high technology content four times. 四次調高了紡織、服裝等勞動(dòng)密集型產(chǎn)品、附加值和技術(shù)含量較高產(chǎn)品的出口退稅率。
- The importance to the nation of the increased exports. 部長(cháng)提及增加出口對于國家的重要性。
- While pursuing the policy of expanding domestic demand,we have never slackened our drive to increase exports. 這幾年,在堅持擴大內需方針的同時(shí),絲毫沒(méi)有放松擴大出口的努力。
- While pursuing the policy of expanding domestic demand, we have never slackened our drive to increase exports. 這幾年,在堅持擴大內需方針的同時(shí),絲毫沒(méi)有放松擴大出口的努力。
- The minister referred to the importance to the nation of increased exports. 部長(cháng)提到了增加出口對國家的重要性。
- Export credit,foreign exchange mortgage RMB loans and classified lending guidance based on export receipts ratios will all be used to assist foreign trade enterprises to increase exports. 運用出口信貸、外匯抵押人民幣貸款和按出口收匯率分類(lèi)指導貸款等方面,積極支持外貿企業(yè)擴大出口。
- Deng Xiaoping's proposals to increase exports he scorned as “nation-selling capitulationism”. 鄧小平關(guān)于“增加出口”的建議也被他痛斥為“賣(mài)國投降主義”。
- Facts have proved that the policy decisions and measures we took to keep the RMB stable and do everything possible to increase exports are correct. 實(shí)踐證明,穩定人民幣匯率、千方百計擴大出口的決策和措施是正確的。
- The minister referred to the importance to the nation of the increased exports. 部長(cháng)提及增加出口對于國家的重要性。
- Furthermore, Chinese entry to WTO redounds to increasing export amount of those products.All in all, joining WTO will bring mechano-electronic industry of our country both chances and challenges. 綜上所述,加入WTO給我國機電行業(yè)帶來(lái)的機遇和挑戰是同時(shí)存在的,我國機電工業(yè)應當以加入世貿組織為契機,充分利用國家的優(yōu)惠政策和WTO的貿易原則,擴大機電產(chǎn)品的出口;
- Export credit, foreign exchange mortgage RMB loans and classified lending guidance based on export receipts ratios will all be used to assist foreign trade enterprises to increase exports. 運用出口信貸、外匯抵押人民幣貸款和按出口收匯率分類(lèi)指導貸款等方面,積極支持外貿企業(yè)擴大出口。