- On-line purchase is becoming one important purchase way, this kind on-line purchase will be very long in the future in period of time to continue unceasingly. 網(wǎng)上采購正在成為一種重要的采購方式,這種網(wǎng)上采購將在未來(lái)很長(cháng)一段時(shí)間內會(huì )不斷地持續。
- I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. 我想要購買(mǎi)過(guò)夜所需的用品。
- A red flag slowly went up the pole. 一面紅旗徐徐升起。
- There is a picture of the sickle on the flag. 旗幟上有鐮刀的圖案。
- The flag is only raised when royalty are present. 只有在王室成員在場(chǎng)的時(shí)候才升起這面旗幟。
- It's time to shake out the red flag. 是把這面紅旗打開(kāi)的時(shí)候了。
- That plant with purple flowers is flag. 那種開(kāi)紫花的植物是菖蒲。
- The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind. 五星紅旗迎風(fēng)飄揚。
- He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house. 他設法弄到一筆貸款買(mǎi)了一棟房子。
- The purchase price is less if you pay by cash. 付現金的話(huà),價(jià)錢(qián)便宜些。
- The hospital imported some surgical instruments. 醫院進(jìn)口了一些外科器械。
- They ran up their national flag. 他們升起了國旗。
- A small distinguishing flag displayed by a yacht. 燕尾旗船上做號旗或標志的小旗
- We imported raw rubber from Malaysia. 我們從馬來(lái)西亞進(jìn)口生膠。
- A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信號。
- He plans to import an automatic bobbin loader.. 他計劃進(jìn)囗一架自動(dòng)裝線(xiàn)機。
- They draped the coffin with the flag. 他們把旗幟覆蓋在靈柩上。
- He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books. 他把一些錢(qián)交給兒子去買(mǎi)學(xué)校用的課本。
- She tied on the flag and ran it up the mast. 她把旗子系上,順桿升起。
- The miscellaneous expenses of import are so much! 進(jìn)口貨物的雜費太多了!