They resorted to tariffs and import quotas. 它們訴諸于關(guān)稅和進(jìn)口配額。
The quota on import cars has been lifted. 對汽車(chē)的進(jìn)口配額已被取消。
The government slapped import quotas on foreign cars. 政府對外國汽車(chē)強制實(shí)行進(jìn)口限額。
In addition, the UK is lobbying for a proviso that could boost an installation's limit if it had a relatively low cap and a low import limit in the second phase. 另外,英國正試圖為一個(gè)附加條款而游說(shuō),這個(gè)附加條款中,如果公司在排放貿易體系的第二個(gè)階段中擁有相對低的限額和低的進(jìn)口限額,可以提高它們的限額。