- Analysis of river water flow evolution in the ice flood season in the downstream of Yellow River 黃河下游凌汛期河道水流演進(jìn)計算分析
- the ice flood season 凌汛期
- Ice flood is sudden, speedy, permanent, disastrous. 冰凌洪水突發(fā)性強、漲勢猛、持續時(shí)間長(cháng)、冰凌運行規律較難掌握,產(chǎn)生的災害有時(shí)更甚于暴雨洪水。
- There are two kinds of flood: rain gush flood and ice flood. 黃河流域面臨兩類(lèi)洪水的威脅,即暴雨洪水和冰凌洪水。
- The embankment must be reinforced before the flood season. 壩基一定要在洪汛期到來(lái)之前加固好。
- Before the flood season comes, we must rush to build the dam. 在洪汛期到來(lái)之前,我們必須要搶建大堤!
- During the flood season, the river overruns its banks for several miles. 在洪水季節,河水從幾英里的提岸溢出。
- The flood season is approaching, so the dike in our village needs reinforcing. 汛期快到了,村里的圩埂需要加固了。
- As proper precautions had been taken, we had a safe flood season this summer. 由于防范得當,今年夏天安全度汛。
- I discussed application of CBERS-02 on the ice flood monitoring of Yellow River. 對中巴資源衛星02星在黃河冰凌災害監測中的應用進(jìn)行了研究探討。
- This model had high delicacy and effectively finished Real-time(quasi-Real-time) dynamic monitoring of ice flood disaster of Yellow River. 提出并建立的黃河冰凌信息提取模型具有較高的靈敏度,能較好的實(shí)現對黃河冰凌災害的實(shí)時(shí)(準實(shí)時(shí))動(dòng)態(tài)監測。
- Victoria Falls has over 500 million cubic meters of water flowing over its edge during flood season. 維多利亞瀑布在汛期的水流可暴漲至5億立方米以上。
- I first brought forward extracting model of information of ice flood of Yellow River, It was proved that it was effective. 首次提出并建立了基于MODIS數據的以NDSI、第2通道反射率、地26通道反射率及封凍指數為主要參數的黃河冰凌信息提取模型,并被實(shí)踐證明行之有效。
- Baikal Lake blocking high and Qinghai-Xizang high covered the Yellow River Basin in the flood season during midsummer. 盛夏期間黃河流域先后受貝加爾湖阻塞高壓和青藏高原高壓控制 ;
- I successfully realized dynamic monitoring ice flood of Yellow River using side-swing of CBERS-02 for the first time, it opened up a new field on homemade satellitic application. 首次應用CBERS-02的側擺接收功能成功實(shí)現了對突發(fā)冰凌災害的動(dòng)態(tài)監測,為國產(chǎn)衛星的應用開(kāi)辟了一個(gè)新領(lǐng)域。
- The flood victims have received both sympathy and assistance from the international community during the flood season. 在汛期期間, 受災人民受到了國際社會(huì )的同情和支持。
- Most of the exiting dams in our country are earth-rock dam and easy to be danger in the flood season. 我國現有的堤壩大多為土石壩,在防汛期間很容易出現各種險情。
- As a dirt siltation of rivers in flood season will cause rainwater intrusion phenomenon. 由于河道有污物淤積,在汛期還會(huì )造成雨水倒灌現象。
- Besides, the importance of protection for inner side of dike during and after flood season has been studied as well. 并從堤防汛期和汛后的險情治理方面分析了保護下游滲流出口的重要性。
- Annual flood season, mountain torrents is eruptive, the river is a road, the road is a river. 每年汛期,山洪暴發(fā),河就是路, 路就是河。