- The passing of everyday human events! 為已經(jīng)逝去的每一天的人類(lèi)事件!
- The purpose of New Event Detection (NED) is to detect the first news from one or multiple streams of news stories. 摘要新事件檢測(NED)的目標是檢測出報道一個(gè)新聞話(huà)題種子事件的第一個(gè)新聞。
- In uncompressed domain, text event detection, candidate text area extraction, non-text area filtering, character separation and video OCR were analyzed, respectively. 在非壓縮域視頻中文字的檢測與提取(TDE)方面,本文著(zhù)重研究了文字事件檢測、候選文字區域的檢測與分割、非文字區域濾除、單字分割以及視頻文字識別(Video OCR)等內容。
- In order to solve the problems of space group formation and event detection in battlefield, a novel group formation algorithm for maneuvering target was proposed. 摘要為了解決空間合群和戰場(chǎng)中的事件檢測問(wèn)題,提出了一種新的機動(dòng)目標的空間群生成算法。
- Robust vehicle tracking algorithm is an important precondition for realizing traffic event detection,but occlusion is a key influence factor for vehicle tracking. 魯棒的車(chē)輛跟蹤是實(shí)現交通事件自動(dòng)檢測的重要前提,車(chē)輛跟蹤中的車(chē)輛相互遮擋則是影響車(chē)輛跟蹤結果的關(guān)鍵因素。
- In order to solve the problems of space group formation and event detection in battlefield,a novel group formation algorithm for maneuvering target was proposed. 為了解決空間合群和戰場(chǎng)中的事件檢測問(wèn)題,提出了一種新的機動(dòng)目標的空間群生成算法。
- Even Mrs. Archer, who seldom unduly pleased with human events had been altogether glad of her son's engagement. 對人類(lèi)的活動(dòng)難得過(guò)分滿(mǎn)意的阿切爾夫人也為兒子的婚約打心眼里高興。
- This dissertation studies the model, algorithm and application of several key research topics of information acquisition i.e. information crawling, information extraction, news event detection and tracking, cause-and-effect of news event etc. 基于這樣一個(gè)前提,本文對Web信息獲取若干關(guān)鍵問(wèn)題,包括信息采集、信息抽取、事件探測和追蹤、以及事件來(lái)龍去脈等方面,從模型、算法和應用三個(gè)層次上進(jìn)行了深入細致的研究,主要貢獻和創(chuàng )新點(diǎn)包括如下幾個(gè)方面:
- But the really memorable moment in this city is one of those spontaneous human events you can never plan for. 但在巴黎真正令人難忘的還是自然發(fā)生的人情趣事,這些是不能事先預定的。
- Here we see an interesting concept: the natural world and human events are often intermingled. 我們在這里看到一個(gè)有 意義 的概念:自然世界和人類(lèi)通常是相融合的。
- The risk importance of human events in nuclear power plant probabilistic safety assessment models was analyzed. 對核電站概率安全分析模型中人因事件的風(fēng)險重要性進(jìn)行了討論。
- The second is that the Bible and the Koran will continue to exercise a dramatic influence over human events, for both good and ill. 其二,無(wú)論福禍好壞,《圣經(jīng)》與《***》將繼續對人類(lèi)活動(dòng)產(chǎn)生重大影響。
- Land is material carrier of all kinds of produced and subsistent activity, and plays an important role in the course of human events. 土地是人類(lèi)社會(huì )生存與發(fā)展的自然經(jīng)濟基礎,是城鎮各種生產(chǎn)生活的物質(zhì)載體,具有非常重要的社會(huì )意義。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想過(guò)舒適的生活不過(guò)是普通人的本性。
- Online New Event Detection(ONED) 在線(xiàn)新事件檢測
- Thomas Jefferson, not an orthodox Christian by any standard, still thought that God worked out his justice in human events. 湯姆士.;杰弗遜從任何標準來(lái)看都不是一個(gè)正統的基督徒,他卻仍然認為神在人類(lèi)的事件中執行的公義。
- In a single instant,we realized that this will be a decisive decade in the history of liberty - that we have been called to a unique role in human events. 通過(guò)這個(gè)事件,我們認識到,接下來(lái)的十年將是人類(lèi)自由歷史上具有決定意義的十年,而歷史也賦予了我們這樣的使命。
- The dominant theme here was an overwhelming sense of the relativity of allperspectives on human events, that is, of the inevitable historicity of humanthought. 其主要的命題在于,人類(lèi)事件概念之相對觀(guān)的不可規避性,也就是人類(lèi)想法無(wú)可避免的歷史根據。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人類(lèi)和動(dòng)物的區別在于人會(huì )說(shuō)話(huà)。
- The characteristics of risk important human events in the North Anna individual plant examination were analyzed based on the Risk Achievement Worth and the Fussell-Vesely importance. 討論了兩個(gè)風(fēng)險重要度 :割集重要度 (Fussell- Vesely im -portance,FV)和風(fēng)險增加當量 (risk achievem ent worth,RAW)得到的 North Anna核電站單個(gè)電站審查中風(fēng)險重要人因事件特點(diǎn)。