- house tube feeding 家庭鼻飼喂養
- Objective: To find out a proper way to feed premature and low birth we ight infants so as to compensate the insufficiency of nasal tube feeding. 尋求一種有利于早產(chǎn)兒及低出生體重兒喂養方法,解決管飼喂養的不足。
- Characteristic: It is of the function of manual and automatic tube feeding, automatic position. 特點(diǎn):具有手工或自動(dòng)上管、自動(dòng)定位等功能。
- Supervises ENs and Nursing Aid's job such as tube feeding; grooming; toileting and usage of body restrainer. 監督助理護士及護工的工作如喂飯,清洗病人,如廁及約束帶的運用。
- Before every tube feeding, aspirate to check the stomach contents.Feeding is given if less than 50cc is obtained. 每次灌食前反抽量小于50毫升,可照正常量灌食。
- Auto tube feeding, vacuum dust cleaning, color marking, filling, material self-pulling and hot wind heating are all automatically. 本機特點(diǎn):自動(dòng)上管,軟管真空除塵、自動(dòng)對色標,灌裝嘴,物料自動(dòng)回吸,熱風(fēng)加熱,封尾外形美觀(guān)。
- The common indications for gastrostomy included recurrent aspiration pneumonia (29%), prolonged nasogastric tube feeding (24%) and dementia with malnutrition (19%). 患者接受胃造廔術(shù)的三個(gè)主要原因為反覆吸入性肺炎(29%25)、長(cháng)期吞嚥困難(24%25)及癡呆癥并營(yíng)養不良(19%25)。
- Observe the patient after every tube feeding for adverse changes such as diarrhea, abdominal distention, vomiting or constipation and consult the attending physician or dietitian when necessary. 需注意患者灌食后之反應,若有不良的管灌癥候群,如腹瀉、腹脹、嘔吐、便秘等,應請教醫師或營(yíng)養師。
- Urinary incontinence (OR: 4.79), pneumonia (OR: 4.48), bed sores (OR: 3.97), and nasogastric tube feeding (OR: 3.79) were identified as the most significant risk factors for mortality. 本研究主要發(fā)現,腦中風(fēng)居家護理病患因病情改善而結案者占29.;7%25(60人),而死亡案例高達70
- Housing tube is adopted at cloth roller, which is easy to draw out the machine after rolling fabric. 卷布桿,采外套管式,于布匹卷收完成后,易于抽取。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他為自己的房子辦理了一份火險保險單。
- Method : Infants of test group were fed via mouth.Infants of control group wer e offere d nasal tube feeding. 觀(guān)察組采用經(jīng)口喂養法,對照組應用管飼方法,觀(guān)察兩組患兒胃腸功能、并發(fā)癥發(fā)生及體重增長(cháng)情況。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 這古老的農場(chǎng)已被劃分為一塊塊的宅地。
- I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我將車(chē)開(kāi)到屋子前面然后按喇叭。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 購買(mǎi)房子是防止通貨膨脹的最佳保障。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 這只狗警惕地守護著(zhù)這所房屋。
- Mary was appalled by the dinginess of the house. 瑪麗被那骯臟的房子嚇壞了。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻煩的事情。
- He is trying hard to feed and house his family. 他努力設法贍養和安置他的家屬。
- Eighteen patients (37%) had prolonged tube feedings (N3 months) after treatments because of seere dysphagia or aspiration. 8例患者(37%25)治療后因為嚴重的吞咽困難和誤吸而持續管飼。