- In a string of shrill hoot of the horn sound, he quickly ran to her. 在一串尖聲?shū)Q叫的喇叭聲中,他快速地跑向她。
- Horn sounded, immediately set sail. 號角響起,即刻起航。
- Ring occasionally one car horn sound twice, then closed the voice of parking, as well as gradually disappearing footsteps far, all calm restored soon. 偶爾響過(guò)一兩聲汽車(chē)鳴笛聲,然后是停車(chē)關(guān)門(mén)的聲音,以及漸行漸遠消失的腳步聲,一切很快又恢復了平靜。
- Normalizes sound levels of DVD. 6. 標準化 DVD 的聲音等級。
- A motorcar horn sounded just outside, then again at the gate. 汽車(chē)喇叭在園子里響,而且響出去了。
- For continuous monitoring of noise, sound level monitors are installed on site for round-the-clock measurement. 為了不斷監察噪音水平,數碼港地盤(pán)內會(huì )裝設音量監測器,廿四小時(shí)進(jìn)行測量。
- If the volume level is too high, the speaker protection circuit activates, and the sound level drops suddenly. 如果音量電平太高,揚聲器保護電路即起作用而突然地減小聲音。
- Risk for hearing damage depends on sound level and exposure time," a statement said. 一項報告表示,聽(tīng)力損害的風(fēng)險取決于音量和暴露時(shí)間。
- Place the purchase order and follow up the implementation of the P/O. Keep the inventory at the sound level. 簽發(fā)采購訂單,跟蹤訂單的執行,將庫存控制在合理的水平。
- The major sources of urban traffic noise in our country are the vehicular horns. In order to evaluate the contribution of horn sound to urban traffic noise, this paper presents a simulated model of "equivalent noise vehicle". 在我國城市交通噪聲中較大的聲源是車(chē)輛的喇叭;為了計算喇叭聲對城市交通噪聲的作用;本文設想了一種“噪聲當量車(chē)”模型.
- Added a new 'Sound Levels' option under sound options. 在聲效選項里增加了新的聲音等級選項。
- Adopts step wave method to measure the timeaverage sound level(equivalent continuous sound level) of the sound level meter. 采用階梯波法;測試了聲級計的時(shí)間平均聲級;即等效連續聲級Leq功能;并對實(shí)測值和理論值進(jìn)行比較.
- The research results indicate that the compressor sound quality is mainly affected by A-weighted sound level loudness and sharpness. 研究結果表明,壓縮機噪聲聲品質(zhì)主要受A聲級、響度和尖銳度的共同影響。
- The freed slaves taught themselves to play these wind instruments, inventing their own methods of relating horn sounds to the sounds made by human voices. 解放后的黑人自己練習學(xué)會(huì )了吹奏這些管樂(lè )器。他們還創(chuàng )造性地把圓號的腔調吹得類(lèi)似人的聲音。
- SLOW:The time response of 1 second specified in sound level meter standards, used to facilitate visual averaging of relatively steady signals. 緩慢:反應的時(shí)間一秒指明聲級計標準,用于促進(jìn)視覺(jué)平均的相對穩定的信號。
- The freed slaves taught themselves to play these wind instruments,inventing their own methods of relating horn sounds to the sounds made by human voices. 解放后的黑人自己練習學(xué)會(huì )了吹奏這些管樂(lè )器。他們還創(chuàng )造性地把圓號的腔調吹得類(lèi)似人的聲音。
- The overall construction of the virtual Sound Level Meter(SLM),the composition of its software system and the division of the components are int. 心電信息管理系統與虛擬式心電圖儀結合 ,使其成為該儀器的一個(gè)組成部分 ,不僅提高了它的使用價(jià)值 ,也增強了儀器的功能。
- FAST:The time response of 125 milliseconds specified in sound level meter standards, used to more accurately follow rapidly fluctuating signals. 快:反應時(shí)間125毫秒指明聲級計標準,使用更多準確地貫徹急劇波動(dòng)信號。
- Using the diagram of sound level slag-forrning, we can know clearly when the slag is slopping,drying and being norrnal during the slag-making process of converter. 利用音乎化渣圖象可以清晰地看出在轉爐造渣過(guò)程中何時(shí)發(fā)生噴濺,何時(shí)發(fā)生爐渣返干和何時(shí)化渣正常。
- Kids press the keyboard or mouse, a picture and sound shows, for example, when display animals in the picture will play animal sounds, when show pictures of the car will play horn sounds. 孩子們按下鍵盤(pán)或鼠標后,有圖片和聲音顯示,比如,計算機在顯示動(dòng)物圖片時(shí)將播放動(dòng)物的叫聲,計算機在顯示汽車(chē)圖片時(shí)將播放汽車(chē)喇叭的聲音。