- foreign currency bills sold 售出外幣匯票, 售出外幣票據
- home currency bill 本國貨幣匯票
- So Bill sold he billboard to pay his board bill. 所以比爾賣(mài)掉了廣告牌以支付伙食賬單。
- Importing goods and services correspondingly tends to cause the home currency to be sold in order to buy foreign currency. 相應地,商品和勞務(wù)輸入勢必會(huì )導致出售本國貨幣以便購買(mǎi)外國貨幣。
- Several different currency bills have been introduced in the House. 在美國議院,已經(jīng)提出了幾項不同的匯率法案。
- The Senator threw down the glove by his speech against the currency bill. 這位參議員以其反對貨幣法案的發(fā)言表示挑戰。
- Whatever initially tends to improve the trade balance will tend to appreciate the home currency. 凡開(kāi)始會(huì )改善貿易差額的,都會(huì )使本國貨幣漲價(jià)。
- One invoice in your home currency helps avoid currency fluctuation and makes it easier to allocate costs to a customer or department. 單一發(fā)票以您的所在地現用貨幣計算,避免受匯率波動(dòng)影響,亦方便個(gè)別顧客或用戶(hù)的部門(mén)調配成本。
- At the beginning of the southeast-Asia financial crisis, speculator adopted home currency to home currency to breach firstly the gap at Thai Baht exchange rate. 東南亞金融危機之初,投機者們用以本幣打本幣的手段首先在泰銖匯率上打開(kāi)了缺口。
- discount on bills sold on condition of repurchase 附有回購條件票據的貼現
- bill sold on condition of repurchase 附有回購條件的售出票據
- The huge stock of dollar assets held in the GCC would be worth less in terms of the home currencies. 海灣合作委員會(huì )擁有大量的美元資產(chǎn),價(jià)值不及其本國貨幣。
- Bill did his home work in earnest. 比爾認真地做功課。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸運,我們打電話(huà)時(shí)他在家里。
- US Treasury Secretary Opposes Currency Bill to Punish China 美財長(cháng)反對就貨幣問(wèn)題懲罰中國議案
- Bill come home from the pub considerably the worse for wear. 比爾喝得醉醺醺的從酒館回到家里。
- The clerk marked up his daybook before going home. 辦事員在回家前記好當天的日記帳。
- Bill sells fruit at the market. 比爾在市場(chǎng)賣(mài)水果。
- The dog stays home to whelp and raises her puppy. 這條狗待在家里生了小狗并把它們養大。
- He hammered home the points he wanted to convey. 他把所要傳達的重點(diǎn)講得非常透徹。