- You overvalued the high tech of that product. 你對那種產(chǎn)品的高科技性評價(jià)過(guò)高了。
- High tech weapons = ooooooo cool toys? 高科技武器=很酷的玩具?
- Everything their doing is pretty much high tech. 他們所做的一切幾乎都是高科技。
- It is elegant, sporty,high tech. 是典雅、運動(dòng)和高科技。
- And there are high tech toys for grownups, too. 超市里還為成人準備了高科技玩具。
- Only then can we truly reap the benefits of a "high tech" sector. 只有這樣,我們才能夠真正享受到“高科技”的好處。
- High tech IT manager, being in charge of APAC(Asia Pacific) application project implementation and operational support. 高科技公司IT經(jīng)理高科技公司IT經(jīng)理,目前負責亞太區應用系統專(zhuān)案與支援。
- The quest of a cure for disease with high tech has never ceased. 人們希望運用高科技治療疾病的追求從未停止過(guò)。
- Luohe Qingshan High Tech Bio-Technology Development Co., Ltd. 漯河市青山高科技生物技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)有限公司
- The high life with luxury and high tech thats for you? 奢華 &高科技的生活合你的胃口?
- High tech, synthetic materials: racket, frame synthetic materials. 高科技復合材:球拍、車(chē)用骨架復合材。
- Responsible for specification, protocol and interfaces along with new tech application processes. 在新技術(shù)應用過(guò)程中,負責電子控制器的技術(shù)特性,通訊協(xié)議和硬件接口電路的前期分析和技術(shù)支持。
- The incongruous design is a compromise between high tech and early American. 這個(gè)不協(xié)調的設計是高科技與早期美式建筑折衷的產(chǎn)物
- What Will Be Replaced: High Tech by More High Tech or Low Tech by High Tech? 將要替代什么?是高技術(shù)被更高的技術(shù)所代替,還是高技術(shù)代替低技術(shù)?
- Many engineers at these high tech companies hail from the Asia Pacific. 這些高科技公司的科技工作者也將熱烈歡迎來(lái)自亞太地區的同行們。
- There are, it turns out, three drawbacks with this method in a high tech team. 對于高水準的團隊來(lái)說(shuō),這方法已經(jīng)被證明了有三種不良后果。
- The robot technology has colligated the development fruits of many subjects.It represents the frontal of the high tech, and the application of it in human life has enlarged more and more. 機器人技術(shù)綜合了多學(xué)科的發(fā)展成果,代表了高技術(shù)的前沿,它在人類(lèi)生活中的應用不斷擴大。
- Last year the bubble burst, dragging down the shares of all high tech companies, including Microsoft. 去年網(wǎng)絡(luò )泡沫破裂,致使包括微軟在內的所有高技術(shù)公司的股價(jià)直線(xiàn)下降。
- The state's Silicon Valley also contributed to English's high tech lingo: software, hardware and megabyte. 這一州的矽谷也增加了英語(yǔ)的高科技字匯:軟體、硬體及百萬(wàn)位元。
- The net result, he told the gathered soldiers, would be more troops, helicopters and high tech weaponry. 他告訴召集起來(lái)的士兵,這樣做的目的是為了建立更多的軍隊,增加軍用直升機,配備高科技武器。