- Help resolve problems and defects in the products. 幫助解決產(chǎn)品出現的問(wèn)題和缺陷。
- The curriculum includes lessons on conflict resolution to help children learn techniques to resolve differences and disagreements in a nonviolent manner. 課程中包含有如何消解沖突的科目,以幫助孩子們學(xué)習以非暴力的方式解決分歧和爭執。
- Use powerful communication techniques to resolve differences and defuse anger. 運用有效的溝通技巧化解分歧及平息怒氣。
- She acknowledges it will not be easy to resolve differences nor end abuses. 她承認解決不同的問(wèn)題或者結束濫用都是不容易的。
- It also filed for arbitration in Stockholm to help resolve the dispute. 達能也在斯德哥爾摩提請沖裁。
- Youth Exchange students will learn to resolve differences peaceably, not through war. 青少年交換學(xué)生將可學(xué)會(huì )以和平而非戰爭的方式來(lái)化解差異。
- But years of international pre ure have failed to help resolve the Kashmir i ue. 多年的國際施壓仍未能解決克什米爾問(wèn)題。
- But years of international pressure have failed to help resolve the Kashmir issue. 多年的國際施壓仍未能解決克什米爾問(wèn)題。
- This is a significant conflict of interest that good interaction design can help resolve. 這種利益的明顯沖突,只有深知其味,但又從開(kāi)發(fā)中分離出來(lái)的交互設計可以解決。
- It is our common desire that we should resolve differences through dialogue and mutual trust and enhance our cooperative relations. 通過(guò)對話(huà)和相互信任以消除分歧;增強我們的合作關(guān)系,這是我們的共同愿望.
- The mediator has90 days from the date of appointment to help resolve the dispute. 調停方從被任命開(kāi)始有90天的時(shí)間幫助調停糾紛。
- It was confident that the proposed consultations and seminars would help resolve outstanding issues. 該代表團相信擬議的磋商和研討會(huì )將有助于解決未決問(wèn)題。
- Would you seek for the legal means if the consultation cannot help resolve the dispute? 如果協(xié)商解決不了的話(huà),通過(guò)法律就是說(shuō)依靠國家權力來(lái)解決嗎?
- To help resolve this dilemma,we turned to some of the best minds in the investing business -- all of whom have solid records of pulling the trigger at the right time. 為了有助于解決這個(gè)難題,我們請教了一些投資界的頂尖高手,他們都有在恰當的時(shí)機扣動(dòng)扳機的可靠紀錄。
- If new code is too intertwined with old code, refactoring can often help resolve issues. 如果新代碼和舊代碼交錯程度很高,則重構通常有助于解決問(wèn)題。
- Twenty states now offer such plates to help resolve the problem of animal overpopulation and the suffering it causes. 目前已經(jīng)有廿個(gè)州提供這樣的牌照,以幫助解決動(dòng)物繁殖過(guò)剩及其所導致的動(dòng)物苦難的問(wèn)題。
- Resolution indicates the ability of the sensor to resolve differences in the measured property. This value may vary depending on whether the device is linear over its dynamic range. 解析表示感應器在衡量的屬性中解析不同性的能力。這個(gè)值根據設備是否在其動(dòng)態(tài)范圍內屬于線(xiàn)性會(huì )有不同。
- It's hoped the deal will help resolve internal Iraqi disputes over the country's oil wealth. 希望此項交易將有助于解決伊拉克國內關(guān)于國家石油財富的爭論。
- The independent mediation service has been asked to step in to investigate and help resolve the matter. 獨立的調解機構已經(jīng)應約介入,進(jìn)行調查并幫助解決目前的問(wèn)題。
- We have made every effort to pursue good neighborly mutual trust, we resolve differences and disputes through diplomatic means, including dialogue, in pursued of common security and lasting peace. 尋求睦鄰互信,通過(guò)對話(huà)等外交手段解決爭端,謀求共同安全,持久和平;