- A heavy debt lay on the family like a dead weight. 沉重的債務(wù)像千斤重擔壓在一家人的頭上。
- The family was encumbered with heavy debts. 這個(gè)家庭為沉重的債務(wù)所累。
- He saddled his parents with heavy debts. 他讓父母背上了沉重的債務(wù)。
- The gambler was trapped in heavy debt. 那賭徒負債累累。
- At his father's death ,he was saddled with heavy debts . 他的父親一死,他負擔起很重的債務(wù)。
- At his father's death he is saddled with heavy debt. 他父親一死,他負擔起很重的債務(wù)。
- At his father's death he was saddled with heavy debts. 父親一死,他負擔起很重的債務(wù)。
- On account of his extravagance he was plunged into heavy debt. 由于揮霍浪費,他負債累累。
- High school student Amemiya Teruyo has been living a comfortable life, until when her parents run away due to heavy debts. 高中二年級的生雨宮照代在父母親的照顧下,過(guò)著(zhù)富裕的生活。
- But it is also understandable why Macquarie and TPG Newbridge pressed on.PCCW has strong cashflows but heavy debt. 然而,麥格理和新橋資本之所以加緊攻勢也是可以理解的,因為電訊盈科擁有強有力的現金流,只是它的債臺高筑。
- It is the summer of 1997. 27-year-old Miu starts working as a fishmonger at Prosperity Market to pay the heavy debts of her philandering father. 1997年的夏天,27歲的阿妙跟欠債累累、拈花惹草的賣(mài)魚(yú)父親,被逼來(lái)到富貴墟打工抵債。
- Generally refers to those Shouldering a heavy debt burden, cash flow more tense. 一般泛指那些背負沉重債務(wù)負擔、現金流比較緊張的人士。
- He had to shut the wineshop, after which he left the small town, as he was in heavy debt as time went by. 開(kāi)始,李守道還堅持著(zhù),時(shí)間一長(cháng),越虧越多,欠了一屁股債,酒店只好關(guān)門(mén)。李守道從此也離開(kāi)了小鎮。
- A month before harvesting, the plants were washed away by some unusually heavy rains, leaving the farmer with a heavy debt that he was unable to pay. 收割前一個(gè)月,幾場(chǎng)罕見(jiàn)的大雨把農作物都給沖走了,留給這農民一筆沉重的債務(wù),他根本就無(wú)力償還。
- It then appeared that Mr.Hatter had been altogether too proud of his daughters.The school fees he had been paying had left the shop with quite heavy debts. 然后發(fā)現了哈特先生究竟是多么的以他的女兒為驕傲,他為她們付出的學(xué)費使得店鋪嚴重負債。
- JAL has struggled to finance one of the industry's heaviest debt loads amid a deep downturn in air travel. 在航空旅行深度低迷之際,日本航空苦苦支撐著(zhù)業(yè)內最沉重的債務(wù)負擔之一。
- The combination of heavy debt burden, financial market strain, high interest rates and industrial recession throughout the world are more than enough to snuff out the feeble falterings at recovery in the British economy. 世界范圍的沉重的債務(wù),緊縮的金融市場(chǎng),高昂的利率以及工業(yè)的衰退等等,所有這一切足以一筆勾銷(xiāo)處在恢復期的英國經(jīng)濟的虛弱無(wú)力的回升。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那個(gè)國家的國債在不斷地增加。
- Since the business separation of postal-service from telecommunication in 1999, Xinjiang postal service has faced many problems such as: slack financial management, heavy debt, higher business cost and expanse and serious loss. 1999年郵政、電信電分營(yíng)后,新疆郵政面臨財務(wù)管理粗放、債務(wù)負擔重、企業(yè)成本費用水平高、虧損嚴重等方面的諸多問(wèn)題,3-5年內,新疆郵政能否根據國家郵政扭虧發(fā)展戰略,實(shí)現逐年減虧,并步入良性循環(huán),是新疆郵政財務(wù)管理工作關(guān)鍵所在。
- He lugged a heavy handcart along. 他使勁拉走那笨重的手推車(chē)。