- What Health Care facilities for Teacher? 提供哪些醫療待遇?
- Are the local health care facilities accessible and adequate? If not, is private medical treatment affordable? 當地的醫療保健設施可用嗎,功能齊全嗎?如果不行的話(huà),找私人醫治費用吃得消嗎?
- Packets of oral rehydration salts are available from most city pharmacies and health care facilities. 袋裝口服補液鹽可在大多數城市藥房和衛生保健機構獲得。
- Labour safety and health care facilities shall conform to the standards set by the State. 勞動(dòng)安全衛生設施必須符合國家規定的標準。
- All DMU campuses have health care facilities provided by teams of doctors, nurses and physiotherapists. 諮商服務(wù)為學(xué)生提供專(zhuān)業(yè)且保密的諮商服務(wù)。
- Health care facilities for new, rebuilding or expansion projects shall be designed, constructed and put into use simultaneously with the main projects. 新建、改建、擴建工程的勞動(dòng)安全衛生設施必須與主體工程同時(shí)設計、同時(shí)施工、同時(shí)投入生產(chǎn)和使用。
- "A major way for health care facilities to reduce hospital-acquired infections is to get rid of unnecessary devices, including catheters," Dr. 降低醫院感染的主要的照護能力,為擺脫不必要的醫材使用,包括導管;
- A clinic, hospital, or health care facility that treats various types of diseases and injuries. 綜合性醫院,多科聯(lián)合診所治療各種類(lèi)型的疾病和創(chuàng )傷的診所、醫院或保健設施
- The department of a hospital or health care facility that treats outpatients. 門(mén)診部治療門(mén)診病人的醫院或保健設施的部門(mén)
- To reduce the risk of transmission in health care facilities, priorities include the provision of personal protective equipment for front-line staff and essential supplies for infection control, including disinfectants. 為減少在衛生保健設施中傳播的危險,重點(diǎn)包括為第一線(xiàn)工作人員提供個(gè)人防護設備和用于感染控制的基本用品,包括消毒劑。
- Those were the objectives of increasing access to information in educational materials in developing countries, including technical and scientific information, access to medicine, health care facilities at affordable cost. 它們也是提高發(fā)展中國家教育材料中包括技術(shù)和科學(xué)信息在內的信息共享和以能支付得起的價(jià)格獲取藥物與醫療保健設施的目標。
- The study assessed the perceptions of IDPs regarding on provision and quality of health care facilities, using an interviewer administered questionnaire (survey) in 200 family units. 研究通過(guò)在200個(gè)家庭中進(jìn)行采訪(fǎng)問(wèn)卷調查的形式評估了國內難民對于醫療衛生設施的質(zhì)量和供給的感受。
- Other facilities: close to the Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, the commercial prosperity of the developed restaurants, a good environment for the consumer, health care facilities. 其它設施:正定縣緊靠石家莊市,商業(yè)繁榮、飲食業(yè)發(fā)達、消費環(huán)境良好、醫療設施完善。
- A clinic,hospital,or health care facility that treats various types of diseases and injuries. 綜合性醫院,多科聯(lián)合診所治療各種類(lèi)型的疾病和創(chuàng )傷的診所、醫院或保健設施
- No absentee ballots are issued on election day except to a voter who is a resident of a health care facility. 除非是發(fā)給現住療養院的選民,否則在選舉當日,選舉處是不會(huì )發(fā)出缺席/郵寄選票給任何選民的。
- She says pregnant women in war zones who face serious medical emergencies and need immediate care too often are unable to reach a health care facility. 她說(shuō)在戰爭地區懷孕的婦女面臨嚴重的醫療急癥并需要立即治療但這些治療所需的醫療設施常常不能得到。
- hospitals and other health care facilities. 醫院和其它的醫療保健設施
- Please be alert to new developments, maintain due vigilance in infection control measures in your health care facility and maintain good staff sickness records. 請大家留意最新發(fā)展及繼續保持警覺(jué),在醫護場(chǎng)所做好感染控制措施,并妥存員工患病記錄。
- Visitors, if allowed by the health care facility should be kept to a minimum. They should be issued with personal protective equipment (PPE) and supervised. 若衛生機關(guān)允許訪(fǎng)客,仍應將數量減到最低。他們應配發(fā)個(gè)人防護裝備并接受監督。
- Clear instructions should be given to convalescent cases to return to the health care facility from which they were discharged if their condition deteriorates and any further symptoms develop. 其出院的醫療機構應該對病人進(jìn)行詳細的指導,以防一旦病人情況惡化或者出現其他癥狀。