- 頭頭guru
- “head”"head"
- go to bed和sleep head押韻。"Go to bed" and "sleep head" rhyme.
- 職權由數百名小頭頭分掌。Authority was distributed among hundreds of petty leaders.
- 使用head和tail以塊方式讀取文本流Tip: Reading text streams in chunks with head and tail
- 明尼阿波利斯的頭頭操縱著(zhù)全國最引人注目的警察受賄網(wǎng)。The boss of Minneapolis operated the most spectacular system of police graft in the country.
- 對比HTTP動(dòng)詞GET和POST? 什么是HEAD?Juxtapose the HTTP verbs GET and POST. What is HEAD?
- 這個(gè)工會(huì )頭頭被控背叛工會(huì )投靠雇主。The Union leader was accused of selling out to the employer.
- HTTP請求方法不是GET、HEAD或POST。The HTTP request method is not GET, HEAD, or POST.
- 首長(cháng)|頭頭chief itch and rub
- 這部分程序 位于arch/i386/kerneld/head.Look in arch/i386/kernel/head.S for this part. Head.
- 壞頭頭ringleader; head of a gang
- 在head元素里的內容瀏覽器是不會(huì )顯示的。The elements inside the head element should not be displayed by a browser.
- 調動(dòng)后又鉆出個(gè)新的頭頭怎么辦?What if a new ringleader emerges following the transfer of the previous one?
- 注冊到ASP.NET的謂詞為GET、HEAD、POST和DEBUG。Verbs that are registered to ASP.NET are GET, HEAD, POST, and DEBUG.
- 部門(mén)頭頭A: But most of these officers are section chiefs
- 在head元素中的信息瀏覽器不會(huì )在主體內顯示出來(lái)。The title of a document The title information inside a head element is not displayed in the browser window.
- 頭頭結構head-to-head structure
- 在這一帶,約翰是個(gè)頭頭,我是他的副手。John is number one around here and I'm his number two.
- 你還可以在頁(yè)面的head區域加上腳本,并在事件發(fā)生的時(shí)候調用它You can also add a script in the head section of the page and then call the function from the event handler