- If the car breaks down, we'll be sunk(= have serious problems). 要是車(chē)壞了,咱們可就慘了。
- Many prominent enterprises have had serious problems in the area. 許多杰出的公司在這方面仍然存在許多嚴重的問(wèn)題。
- Unknown to Gimo Chiang, he would have serious problems in his hands sooner than expected. 蔣介石還不知他面臨的嚴重問(wèn)題,來(lái)得比預期還要快。
- Most Americans have their own family doctors,and if they have serious problems,the family doctor would recommend them to see the specialists. 大多數美國人都有自己的家庭醫生,如果他們有嚴重問(wèn)題,家庭醫生會(huì )推薦他們去看專(zhuān)家。
- Now your best friends won't have to tell you. Surgeons in Denmark have come to the rescue of people who have serious problems with underarm sweating. 就是最要好的朋友都不必說(shuō)出這令人難堪的事:丹麥醫生已來(lái)著(zhù)手救助那些患有嚴重狐臭的人。
- Now your best friends won't have to tell you.Surgeons in Denmark have come to the rescue of people who have serious problems with underarm sweating. 就是最要好的朋友都不必說(shuō)出這令人難堪的事:丹麥醫生已來(lái)著(zhù)手救助那些患有嚴重狐臭的人。
- Village elections have serious problems, including nepotism, vote buying, and the selection of incompetent or corrupt leaders. 村民選舉有著(zhù)嚴重的問(wèn)題,包括裙帶關(guān)系、賄選買(mǎi)票和無(wú)能或者腐敗分子的獲選。
- The tiny povertystricken South Pacific state of Tonga has always had serious problems raising money, and so it has always been entrepreneurial. 小小的貧困交加南太平洋國家湯加一直有嚴重問(wèn)題,籌集資金,因此它始終堅持自主創(chuàng )業(yè)。
- Her pectoral seeper always has a relapse, must smoke ceaselessly, and her heart also has serious problem two this years. 她的胸積水總是復發(fā),得不斷的抽,而且她的心臟這兩年來(lái)也有嚴重的問(wèn)題。
- When Houston first saw X-rays of my feet, they saw that my left foot had been broken a couple of times and were worried I might have serious problems and not be able to play. 休斯頓火箭隊第一次對我的腳作X光時(shí),他們看到我的左腳斷過(guò)2次,擔心我有嚴重問(wèn)題不能打球。
- Stop footling about, we have serious work to do. 別浪費時(shí)間了我們還有正經(jīng)事要做。
- At present the state owned construction enterprises have serious problems about the management of the receivable accounts which is catching people's universal attention. 國有施工企業(yè)在面臨改制重組的歷史命運之際,其突出的應收賬款的管理問(wèn)題越來(lái)越引起人們的普遍關(guān)注。
- His resignation will have serious repercussions on/for the firm. 他辭職一事對公司影響很大。
- The main tasks and methods are onshore and underwater topographic survey and observation, especially for sections and beaches which have serious problems of riverbank collapses in recent years. 監測的主要內容和方法是對近年來(lái)崩岸嚴重的河段和深泓貼岸、迎流頂沖、無(wú)灘或窄灘河段進(jìn)行岸上地形測量和觀(guān)測及水下為地形測量。
- Take it easy, it's not a serious problem. 別著(zhù)急,這問(wèn)題并不嚴重。
- I tell you, it's becoming a pretty serious problem. 我告訴你,這已經(jīng)漸漸構成一個(gè)相當嚴重的問(wèn)題。
- How can you dally with such a serious problem? 你怎么可以輕率地對待如此嚴肅的問(wèn)題?
- He has serious aspirations to a career in politics. 他有從政的雄心壯志。
- The change could presage serious problems. 這變化可能預示著(zhù)有嚴重問(wèn)題將要發(fā)生。
- It is a serious problem, complicated by the fact that we have no experience in this area. 這問(wèn)題本來(lái)就嚴重,再加我們處理這類(lèi)問(wèn)題毫無(wú)經(jīng)驗,所以更為棘手。