- Only a man full of the milk of human kindness could have continued to befriend the proud and obstinate young man. 只有天性善良的人才會(huì )和這個(gè)性情高傲脾氣倔強的年輕人繼續交往。
- The ship is designed to have continuous main deck、 forecastle and poop. 本船設計有一連續的主甲板和艏樓,艉樓。
- They have continued in the faith of their fathers. 他們繼續保持祖先們的信仰。
- We have continued to build up our capabilities. 我們在持續不斷地加強我們的能力。
- We have continued to optimize our export mix. 出口商品結構不斷優(yōu)化。
- She stopped short when she ought to have continued. 盡管她應該繼續下去,她卻突然停住了
- Military budgets have continued to spiral. 軍事預算成螺旋狀地繼續上升。
- And whether have continuable running ability? 是否有可持續的經(jīng)濟運轉能力?
- One feature of the history of old Russia was the continual defeats she suffered because of her backwardness. 舊俄羅斯歷史的一個(gè)特點(diǎn)就是它的落后使它不斷吃敗仗。
- Recently the young couple have continual arguments with each other for trifles. 近來(lái)這對年輕人為了一些小事接連不斷地發(fā)生爭吵。
- Men with sleep apnea, however, have continuous sleep interruptions and spend less time in the REM stages. 有睡眠呼吸暫停癥的男性,睡眠時(shí)斷時(shí)續,處于REM深度睡眠階段的時(shí)間較少。
- The county has continued planting both crops and obtained good yields. 這個(gè)縣繼續種植這兩種作物,并取得了好收成。
- The agonising weather have continued for several weeks. 一連好幾個(gè)星期天氣都很惡劣。
- I have continued to aim to include all relevant references. 我繼續不斷地收集這個(gè)領(lǐng)域中所有有關(guān)參考文獻。
- Most people would simply have continued their lives. 大多數人會(huì )照樣生活下去。
- Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. 我在磨煉之中,常和我同在的就是你們。
- We have to extinguish the memory of the defeat. 我們必須抹去對那次失敗的記憶。
- Cotton consumption has continued to rise. 棉花的消費一直在繼續增長(cháng)。
- This hostility has continued into our own day. 這種敵對情緒延續至今。
- All have continued to languish at or near the bottom of the pile. 所有這些國家一直都掙扎在或接近于各國排名的最底端。