
[h?k]     [h?k]    
  • n. 劈或砍;亂踢;咳嗽
  • n. 供出租的馬車(chē);雇傭文人;(美口)出租車(chē)
  • vt. 非法侵入(他人計算機系統)
  • vi. 劈或砍;咳嗽
hackable hacked hacked hacking hacks



n. (名詞)
  1. 曬架
  2. 劈或砍的工具
  3. 出租馬車(chē),出租汽車(chē)
  4. 出租的馬
  5. 老馬;駑馬
  6. 騎用的馬
  7. 曬磚臺,曬磚場(chǎng)
  8. 斧頭
  9. 砍痕
  10. 刻痕指示
  11. 頻頻的干咳
  12. 雇傭文人
  13. 砍,劈
  14. 出租汽車(chē)司機
  15. 役馬
  16. 鶴嘴鋤
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 出租的
  2. 雇傭文人做的,受雇(寫(xiě)作)的,被雇傭的
  3. 陳腐的
  4. 用舊的,陳舊的
  5. 平庸的,庸碌無(wú)為的
  6. 乏味的
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. <美口>對付,能應付
  2. 處理
  3. 用舊,使變陳舊,使變陳腐
  4. 短促頻繁地干咳,咳嗽(發(fā)出刺耳聲音),干咳
  5. 砍,劈,亂劈,亂砍
  6. 出租
  7. <英>(用普通速度)騎馬
  8. <美口>駕駛出租車(chē)
  9. 雇…寫(xiě)文章
  10. 把…放在架上曬
  11. 開(kāi)辟(道路、土地)
  12. 猛踢,狠踢,亂踢
  13. 非法侵入(他人計算機系統)
  14. 騎馬消遣
  15. 騎馬緩行(along)


v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 劈,砍 strike heavy cutting blows at sth/sb
  2. vt. 狠踢,亂踢 kick (sth) roughly
  3. vi. (以普通速度)騎馬 ride on horseback at an ordinary pace,especially along roads
  4. vi. 非法侵入(他人計算機系統) secretly find a way of looking at and/or changing information on sb else's computer system without permission
  5. vi. 〈非正〉駕駛計程車(chē) drive a taxi
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]砍,劈 act of chopping
  2. [C]騎用馬,供出租的馬 horse for ordinary riding or one that may be hired
  3. [C]受雇于出版商的文人 person paid to do hard and uninteresting work,especially as a writer
  4. [C]〈非正〉出租車(chē) taxi


  1. one who works hard at boring tasks

  2. a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends

  3. a mediocre and disdained writer

  4. a tool (as a hoe or pick or mattock) used for breaking up the surface of the soil

  5. a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money

  6. an old or over-worked horse

  7. a horse kept for hire

  8. a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport etc.

  1. cut with a hacking tool

  2. be able to manage or manage successfully;

    "I can't hack it anymore"
    "she could not cut the long days in the office"

  3. cut away;

    "he hacked his way through the forest"

  4. kick on the arms

  5. kick on the shins

  6. fix a computer program piecemeal until it works;

    "I'm not very good at hacking but I'll give it my best"

  7. significantly cut up a manuscript

  8. cough spasmodically;

    "The patient with emphysema is hacking all day"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. She gave Scarlett a glare as she saw her look longingly at the hack.
  2. The publisher paid his hacks low.
  3. He was a literary hack, naturally fast in pace and brilliant in action.
  4. That party hack is just in politics for the money.
  5. Go out to the street and see if you can get a hack.
用作不及物動(dòng)詞 (vi.)
  1. He was hacking at a tree.
  2. You'd better hack off the branch of that willow.
  3. You'd better hack off that branch that's hanging over the neighbour's garden.
  4. I want the boys to hack down that apple tree, it's unsafe.



  • Sir Charles Knightley..stuck to his road hack long after his neighbours had taken to post-horses.

    出自:Illustrated London News
  • Crichton and Treherne..hacking and hewing the bamboo..making a clearing.

    出自: J. M. Barrie
  • To hack one's way with a machete through hundreds of miles of jungle.

    出自: A. J. Toynbee
  • He hacked off a slice from the new brown loaf and ate it dry.

    出自: B. Vine





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