- He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership. 他從未投票支持過(guò)聯(lián)邦政府限槍。
- In the United States,gun ownership has the same le-gal backing as the right to vote and the right to a fair trial. 在美國,擁有槍支的權利就像投票權和受到公平審判權一樣,受法律保護。
- In the United States, gun ownership has the same le-gal backing as the right to vote and the right to a fair trial. 在美國,擁有槍支的權利就像投票權和受到公平審判權一樣,受法律保護。
- Pastor Ken Pagano said the gathering was intended to promote safe gun ownership and celebrate the right to bear arms. 就像我以前說(shuō)的,我們應該把重點(diǎn)放在顧客和他們的需求上。
- The freedom of gun ownership is one such right.The story happened in Oklahoma and Columbine high school. 和他的外貌一樣,他在電影制作上也像個(gè)調皮的頑童,總是試圖打破傳統陳舊的制作程式和慣常思維。
- If the Supreme Court strikes down the city's ban, considered the nation's strictest gun law, the floodgates could open for legal tests on rules limiting gun ownership in the US. 如果最高法院罷工下來(lái),城市的禁令,審議了全國最嚴格的槍支管理法律,閘門(mén),也開(kāi)啟了法律測試的規則來(lái)限制槍支擁有權在美國。
- In addition, stricter penalties for gun ownership are expected to herald the reappearance of hitmen armed with razor-sharp katana swords rather than pistols. 坐牢期間的補償金現在無(wú)法以銀行轉賬形式支付,只能以現金形式支付。此外,對私藏槍支更加嚴厲的懲罰,可能會(huì )讓殺手們不敢帶子彈,只好用像古代一樣,用日本刀行刺。
- In some high gun ownership areas, Democrats have been distributing fliers assuring residents that Mr Obama supports the rights of individuals to own firearms. 在一些槍支擁有程度高的地區,民主黨人向居民散發(fā)傳單,保證奧巴馬總統將會(huì )支持公民擁有槍支的權利。
- Bomb attacks motivated by grudges or business disputes are common in China, where most gun ownership is banned but explosives are widely available for mining and construction. 在中國因欠債不還或商業(yè)糾紛引起的炸彈襲擊很普遍,(中國)禁止持有槍支但爆炸物被廣泛用于采礦和建筑業(yè)。
- The likes of Jon Tester, a new senator in Montana, and Heath Shuler, a North Carolina congressional freshman, did much bragging about their lifelong gun ownership and support for the second amendment. 而反對持槍的人指出,那條修正案的一個(gè)前提性限定是:“有組織的民兵是維護自由國度的安全的必要條件”,他們解釋說(shuō),憲法框架里根本沒(méi)有意思說(shuō)美國要由一伙私人持有私槍的民眾來(lái)建立。
- For example, a bequest to give guns to individuals would be disallowed if there were stringent gun ownership laws. 例如,在有嚴厲的槍支所有權法律管制的情況下,一份向個(gè)人贈與槍支的遺囑將不被允許。
- Many Americans feel that violence in their nation could be reduced by establishing laws strictly controlling gun ownerships. 許多美國人覺(jué)得,可以通過(guò)嚴格的槍支管制來(lái)減少?lài)鴥鹊谋┝Α?/li>
- Over the years, the NRA has headed off most attempts to restrict gun ownership, insisting that the freedom to own guns is the peoples' only protection against oppressive government. 多年以來(lái),國家步槍協(xié)會(huì )阻止了多數限制槍支擁有權的企圖,他們堅持擁有槍支的自由是人民惟一可以和壓迫的政府抗衡的護身符?!?/li>
- The bullet was expelled from the gun. 子彈從槍中射出。
- Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing. 開(kāi)槍后子彈從槍膛里彈出去。
- His claim to ownership is invalid. 他的所有權是無(wú)效的。
- demands that the law on gun ownership should be changed 要求修改槍支持有法的呼聲
- He snatched up his gun and fired. 他突然拿起槍來(lái)射擊。
- The restaurant is under new ownership. 那餐館已易新主。
- A man with a gun is shooting at the crowds. 有一持槍男子向人群射擊。