You should spread some growth hormone on the crops. 你應該給這些莊稼施一些生長(cháng)素。
The foreskin cells are grown on substrates, resulting in layered matrices that secrete growth factors. 因為包皮細胞可在培養基上繼續生長(cháng),形成層層的基層,并能分泌出生長(cháng)素。
Hence, the biological grow-helping and the fast-growth and high-yield power have a substance foundation in improving the ability of frost-resistant of the seedings. 因此,生物助長(cháng)劑和速生豐產(chǎn)靈等化控物質(zhì)具有提高苗木抗寒性的物質(zhì)基礎的作用。