- Gray level difference 灰度差
- This method has advantages of being easy to realize and high color sensitivity for gray level. 該方法和已有方法相比,具有容易實(shí)現、顏色對灰度等級分割的靈敏度高、實(shí)時(shí)效果好的特點(diǎn)。
- The Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) has been proved to be a promising method for image texture analysis. 圖像的灰度共生矩陣(GLCM)已知被理論證明并且實(shí)驗顯示它在紋理分析中是一個(gè)很好的方法;廣泛用于將灰度值轉化為紋理信息.
- The proposed method firstly detects correspondences based on gray level edge feature so that the focal lens can be counted based on correspondences uniqueness. 該方法首先使用基于灰度邊緣特征點(diǎn)的圖像匹配來(lái)獲得匹配坐標,并由匹配坐標唯一性計算焦距;
- During the corner feature match operation, the initial matching points are determined by region gray level correlation calculation with removing mean value normalization method. 在角點(diǎn)特征匹配過(guò)程中,利用去均值歸一化相關(guān)法進(jìn)行區域灰度相關(guān)運算,從而確定出初始匹配點(diǎn)對。
- It classifies matching pixels by dynamic threshold. If absolute difference of gray value is more than threshold, it counts the minimum absolute difference square of the gray level of the two images. 它先對匹配像素用動(dòng)態(tài)閾值分類(lèi),若灰度絕對差大于閾值,再使用最小絕對差平方累加和作為相似性度量。
- Compared with some known method to calculate geomertric moments for gray level image,which shows that our algorithm can reduce computational complexity significantly in mose cases. 文中給出了實(shí)驗結果,和其它灰度圖像求矩算法相比,文中算法在大多數情形下都極大地降低了計算復雜度。
- The nonlinear differential equations are solved using finite difference method. 用有限差分法求解非線(xiàn)性微分方程組。
- The buckling critical load is calculated with finite difference method. 用差分法求解這個(gè)方程,得到了連續油管的臨界失穩載荷。
- The main features of the system are piecewise linear gray level transformation, slope angle adjustment, mapping and normalization, feature distilling. 本系統主要特征是分段線(xiàn)性灰度變換、斜度調整、射歸一、征提取。
- Pet leveling is based off of the level difference between pets and the mob. 寵物取得的經(jīng)驗現在取決于寵物的等級與怪的差距。
- The level difference of these re-sults at SO is a main reflection of the level difference of UTC master clock. So結果的水平差異主要是協(xié)調世界時(shí)主鐘水平差異的反映;
- Based on level difference, so if you import a high level character your companions will gain rapidly. (根據級別的差異,所以如果你進(jìn)口高水平性質(zhì)您的同伴將獲得迅速發(fā)展。)
- In the pre-pressed DTP system, image-input, line-screen level, gray level and image-output are all concerned with the scanning resolution. 在彩色桌面印前系統中,圖像掃描輸入、加網(wǎng)線(xiàn)數、灰度等級和照排機輸出都與掃描分辨率有關(guān)。
- Using limited difference method the stretching amount of a basin may be calculated. 通過(guò)有限差分方法解該方程可計算盆地的拉伸量。
- The simulation indicates that this scheme reduces the DFC in SMPDP dramatically.To solve the problem of the poor gray level of S... 采用多幀圖像的疊加顯示和誤差擴散方法,很好地解決圖像灰度級不足的問(wèn)題,從而提高蔭罩式等離子體顯示器的圖像質(zhì)量。
- In this paper, difference method is used for solving tangential stress at the boundary on the basis of BEM. 本文在邊界元法分析的基礎上,用差分法計算邊界切向應力。
- This algorithm doesn't need to meet the request of "constant gray level of the image", and reduces the tracking accumulative error. 該算法不僅不要求滿(mǎn)足“圖像灰度一致性”,而且有效地減少了跟蹤的累積誤差。
- He used different methods to test for allergies. 他用不同的方法測定變態(tài)反應性。
- The way of using finite difference method to solve the dynamic response factors of a two dimension prob lem is shown. 同時(shí)還介紹了用有限差分法計算二維問(wèn)題的響應系數的方法。