- The bhikkhus too are listening attentively to grasp the essential. 彼等諸比丘,理解、思惟、全心、傾耳,諦聽(tīng)于法。
- It is significant to grasp the essential connotation of "interdiscipliney", for implementing interdisciplinary activity and the advanced development of science and technology, in the contemporary era. 摘要把握“跨學(xué)科”的本質(zhì)內涵,對于開(kāi)展跨學(xué)科活動(dòng)并促進(jìn)當代科學(xué)技術(shù)的進(jìn)一步發(fā)展具有重大意義。
- Pierre listened to his words, straining every faculty of his mind to grasp the essential points of the coming battle, but to his mortification he felt that his faculties were not equal to the task. 皮埃爾聽(tīng)著(zhù)貝尼格森的講解,絞盡腦汁想弄清目前戰役的真相,但是他很苦惱,覺(jué)得自己腦子不夠用。
- Specialities of the Department Students specialized in forensic medicine attend 5-year courses and grasp the essential theories and techniques of clinical and medico-legal medicine. 法醫學(xué)是五年制本科專(zhuān)業(yè),本專(zhuān)業(yè)培養目標是:培養具備醫學(xué)基礎知識和系統的法醫學(xué)理論知識和基本技能,能夠從事法醫學(xué)鑒定及教學(xué)、研究工作的高層次法醫學(xué)專(zhuān)門(mén)人才。
- Don't get bogged down in these trivialities; try to grasp the essentials. 擺脫這些瑣碎的事,多抓些大問(wèn)題。
- We need a government that will grasp the nettle. 我們需要一個(gè)敢於大刀闊斧地處理問(wèn)題的政府。
- What is the essential theme of the play? 這劇本的主題是什麼?
- People gain initiative only when they grasp the rules of things. 人掌握了事物的規律就會(huì )獲得主動(dòng)權。
- The man made up his mind to grasp the thistle firmly. 這個(gè)人痛下決心,毅然處理困難局面。
- Only by authentically interpreting Marx' s concept of substance, can we grasp the essentiality of Marxist philosophy, and the Marxist philosophy system as well. 只有正確解讀馬克思的物質(zhì)概念,才能把握馬克思主義哲學(xué)的真髓,從而正確把握馬克思和馬克思主義哲學(xué)體系。
- It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space. 掌握無(wú)限空間的概念是很難的。
- Ken seemed to have grasped the essentials of public debate. 肯好像抓住了這場(chǎng)公開(kāi)辯論的精髓。
- I can't quite grasp the meaning of these figures. 我不能很好地領(lǐng)會(huì )這些數字的重要性。
- Initially I kept silent to the essential essay. 起初我對這個(gè)重要的短評保持沉默。
- He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics. 他無(wú)法掌握數學(xué)的基本概念。
- We must grasp the situation at home and abroad. 我們必須了解國內外形勢。
- He cannot grasp the realities of the situation. 他未能掌握實(shí)際情況.
- The essential elements of the GDI graphics library. GDI圖形庫的基本元素。
- I grasped the main point of the speech. 我領(lǐng)會(huì )了這篇演講的要點(diǎn)。