- According to some insiders, the loosening of housing polices represents the end of regulation and control policies to real estate market. 有業(yè)內人士指出,若居民購房政策放松,則意味著(zhù)對樓市調控政策已經(jīng)到頭;
- A proliferation of regulations and controls sharply increased business costs and introduced distortions. 規章制度和控制的廣泛施行急劇增加了營(yíng)業(yè)成本,導致了各種失調現象。
- It is the litigious and apparently arbitrary culture of regulation and policy. 最糟糕的是監管和政策方面爭斗不休且獨斷專(zhuān)行的文化。
- the method of regulation and control is the navigation mark, determining the direction of the formative mechanism; 調控方式是航標,決定形成機制的方向;
- Research progress of regulation and control of conjugated linoleic acid for animal fat aggradation and its mechanism 共軛亞油酸調控動(dòng)物體脂肪沉積及其機理的研究進(jìn)展
- Effect of lysine on protein metabolize and its possibility mechanism of regulation and control 賴(lài)氨酸對蛋白質(zhì)代謝的影響及其可能調控機制
- Regulation and control of the affairs of a community, especially with respect to maintenance of order, law, health, morals, safety, and other matters affecting the public welfare. 警政對一個(gè)社區的事務(wù)的管理和控制,特別是對有關(guān)秩序、法律、健康、道德和安全的維護,以及其它影響到公共福利的事情
- New Explanation about " Theory of Regulation and Control" -- Sublating " Theory of Need Intervention" 新解"調控說(shuō)"--對"需要干預說(shuō)"的揚棄
- Unite and stive for the goal of our company. 主題:團結一致,共同為公司的目標而努力,怎么翻譯??
- The main goal of the toilet modernization in rural areas is to prevent and control the propagation of the verminous and intestinal infectious affection. 農村改廁的主要目的是預防、控制腸道傳染病和寄生蟲(chóng)病的傳播。
- It was in l993 that China set up its policy of macro regulation and control. 1993年下半年開(kāi)始采取加強宏觀(guān)調控的措施,
- Bank supervision and regulation and control capabilities need improvement. 中央銀行的監督能力與調控方式亟待進(jìn)一步提高。
- Influence of Regulation and Control methods of Soil Moisture on Quality of Fruit in Non-public Nuisance Crisp Pear Garden in Area of Old Course of Yellow River 酥梨果實(shí)發(fā)育期土壤水分調控方法及其對果實(shí)品質(zhì)的影響
- To do so, to allow a government purposefully macro regulation and control. 這樣做,一來(lái)可以讓政府有的放矢地進(jìn)行宏觀(guān)調控。
- She pursued the goal of perfection in her art . 在藝術(shù)中,她追求完善的目標。
- A Major goal of the ARPAnet project was to increase the military's command and control capability by enabling communication across a variety of physically dissimilar media ,including satellites . ARPA網(wǎng)項目的主要目標是通過(guò)能夠在各種實(shí)際不相似的媒介(包括衛星)上進(jìn)行通信來(lái)提高軍事指揮與控制的能力。
- Therefore the goal of eradication can be attained. 所以這是可以達到根治的目的。
- The governmental department charged with the regulation and control of the affairs of a community, now chiefly the department established to maintain order, enforce the law, and prevent and detect crime. 警察局負責約束和管理一個(gè)社區事務(wù)的政府部門(mén),現在被建立主要是用來(lái)維持秩序、執行法律和防止和偵破犯罪行為的部門(mén)
- But is that the secret goal of my vague pilgrimage? 難道這就是我渺茫的人生歷程中的秘密目標么?
- And different strategies of macro regulation and control should be adopted according to the specific conditions of different countries. 要根據每個(gè)國家的具體情況實(shí)行不同的宏觀(guān)調控政策。