- Free spending of public money is not to be tolerated. 決不能容忍濫用公款的現象。
- One reason is the misdirection of public money. 公款的不當運用是原因之一。
- The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money. 這項工程被斥責為揮霍公款,令人憤慨。
- He expent a large amount of public money on self consumption. 他將大筆的公款花在了個(gè)人消費上。
- The society was maintained out of public moneys. 該會(huì )社是用公款維持的。
- The waste of public money on the project was criticized. 在這個(gè)項目上浪費公帑遭到批評。
- The waste of public money on the project is criticized. 在這個(gè)項目上浪費公帑遭到批評。
- I think it is a totally unwarranted waste of public money. 我認為這是毫無(wú)正當理由地浪費公款。
- The living is in the gift of the squire. 地主有安排牧師奉祿之權。
- Some leading citizens have lodged complaints against the city councilors for their mishandling of public money. 一些領(lǐng)頭的市民正式抗議市政議員濫用公款。
- Her gift of money was a godsend. 她送來(lái)的錢(qián)使人喜出望外。
- But wasteful use of public money and dishonesty in government have weakened the economy in recent years. 但近幾年來(lái),公款的濫用和政府的欺騙行為削弱了經(jīng)濟。
- His gift of money hadn't been sufficient to prime the pump, and they went bankrupt. 他的贈款不足以使企業(yè)復蘇,結果他們都破產(chǎn)了。
- The police have been asked to probe into the council's spending of public money. 人們已經(jīng)要求警方調查市議會(huì )使用公款的情況。
- Anyone who buys this breakfast food gets a free gift of a fine greeting card. 購買(mǎi)這份早餐食物的人都可得到一張免費的精美賀卡。
- Children always appreciate small gifts of money. 兒童總是把大人給他的一點(diǎn)錢(qián)看得很重。
- Several leading citizens have lodged complaints against the city councilors for their mishandling of public money. 市民中的幾位領(lǐng)導人物就市議員濫用公款對他們提出控訴。
- The official poverty measure is politically untouchable because it is used to allocate heaps of public money. 但是,官方貧困度量指標是一條政治高壓線(xiàn),碰觸不得,因為它決定著(zhù)大筆公共資金的具體分配。
- Joining the European Union has produced temptingly large puddles of public money to steal. 加入歐洲聯(lián)盟后已經(jīng)產(chǎn)生了為偷竊之便的大量的誘人的公眾財富集聚。