- We have always admitted that we are a weak and poor country. 至于說(shuō)我們窮呀弱呀,我們歷來(lái)不回避,我們向來(lái)這樣講。
- His voice get weaker and weaker. 他聲音變得越來(lái)越弱。
- His voice got weaker and weaker . 他聲音越來(lái)越弱了。
- After you're hungry, you get weak and sooner or later you'll be fainting and finally starving to death. 當你開(kāi)始餓了以后,你就會(huì )開(kāi)始虛弱,不久就頭暈目眩,然后當個(gè)餓死鬼。
- They just get weak and listless and don't interact strongly with the physical world. 他只會(huì )變得虛弱和無(wú)精打采,與物質(zhì)世界不再進(jìn)行強有力地交互作用。
- Bank up the fire, the flame is getting weaker and weaker. 封火吧,火苗越來(lái)越小了。
- In the diplomatic field, Mao Zedong's policy orientation is firmly against the hegemonism of the superpower and offers moral and material support to the weak and poor countries. 在外交領(lǐng)域,毛澤東的政策取向是堅決反對超級大國的霸權主義,始終不渝地對弱國窮國給予道義支持和物質(zhì)援助。
- According to the first viewpoint,China is a very weak and poor country and has backward equipment,so it is a country that is of little importance and not worth a great deal of attention. 第一種觀(guān)點(diǎn),認為中國很弱很窮,裝備又落后,所以中國是無(wú)足輕重的,是一個(gè)不值得重視的國家。
- We are willing to befriend the weak and the poor. 我們愿意幫助弱者與窮人。
- How can we bridge the gap between rich and poor? 怎樣才能縮小貧富之間的差距?
- The problem with electrical signals is that they get weaker and weaker as they travel along metal wires. 電信號有個(gè)難解決的問(wèn)題,就是當它沿著(zhù)金屬導線(xiàn)傳送時(shí)信號會(huì )變得越來(lái)越弱。
- There is always a vast chasm between rich and poor. 貧富的鴻溝始終存在。
- Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen. 火星上面過(guò)于干燥,并且缺乏氧氣。
- She was so weak and exhausted that she had to lie back. 她這樣虛弱和疲備以致不得不把身體向后靠著(zhù)。
- Rich and poor alike, they all get sick and die. 富人與窮人一樣,他們都會(huì )生病和死亡。
- I can not just turn my back on him now because he's ill and poor. 現在他貧病交加,我可不能不加理會(huì )。
- He punned on the likeness of 'weak' and 'week'. 他用同音詞'weak'和'week'說(shuō)了句雙關(guān)語(yǔ)。
- I can't just turn my back on him now that he's ill and poor. 我不能因為他貧病交迫而背棄他。
- Aviation was lamentably weak and primitive. 航空設施極其薄弱簡(jiǎn)陋。
- In some places leadership remained weak and lax. 領(lǐng)導上的軟弱渙散狀態(tài)仍然存在;