- The specifications should provide a reasonable material balance. 應該提供一個(gè)合理的物料平衡控制標準。
- Based on the special geologic and hydrodynamic features, the, conventional material balance equation is, modified. 摘要根據特殊的地質(zhì)和水動(dòng)力學(xué)特徵,對常規物質(zhì)平衡方程進(jìn)行了改進(jìn)。
- So the simulated annealing algorithm is introduced to solving the material balance equation. 因此,本文引入模擬退火算法求解物質(zhì)平衡方程。
- Based on the special geologic and hydrodynamic features, the conventional material balance equation is modified. 根據特殊的地質(zhì)和水動(dòng)力學(xué)特征,對常規物質(zhì)平衡方程進(jìn)行了改進(jìn)。
- Condensate gas reservoir is a special kind of reservoir and its material balance equation is greatly different from that of conventional gas reservoir. 摘要凝析氣藏是一種特殊的油氣藏類(lèi)型,其物質(zhì)平衡方程式與常規氣藏物質(zhì)平衡方程式應存在較大的差異。
- In the conventional reservoir engineering,using material balance method to evaluate formation pressure is usually made when PVT data are already known. 傳統的油藏工程方法中利用物質(zhì)平衡法估算地層壓力,通常在PVT資料已知的條件下進(jìn)行。
- In light of such a thought,a gas-liquid multiple solid phase material balance equation is put forward in the paper.The amo... 通過(guò)對凝析油蠟沉積的計算表明 ,用該模型計算的蠟的沉積量和析蠟溫度與實(shí)驗結果非常吻合。
- Large deviation will appear if material balance equation of the gas reservoir for calculating OIP is used directly in this production scheme. 在此開(kāi)采方式下,直接采用氣藏物質(zhì)平衡方程進(jìn)行地質(zhì)儲量計算將出現很大偏差。
- A set of experimental unit for measuring absorbability of natural gas in source rocks was built according to the principle of material balance. 根據物質(zhì)平衡原理,設計了一套測量巖石吸附天然氣量的實(shí)驗裝置。
- By material balance equation, the dust concentrations measured at various directions of various testing spots of the louver board are determined, from wh... 據此,提出以半敞開(kāi)方式排放煙氣煙塵的除塵系統煙氣煙塵濃度測試方法,即側向間接測試法。
- There are various models, size, material balance balance balance blocks folder Kazi-supply balance, according to the workpiece, the actual situation tailor-made. 有各種型號、大小、材質(zhì)的平衡夾平衡塊平衡片平衡卡子供應,可根據客戶(hù)工件的實(shí)際情況量身訂做。
- A method of material balance correction for iterative s olutions is put forward in this paper.The applications demonstrate that this me thod could decrease mate... 實(shí)際應用表明 ,此方法可以大大降低油藏模擬的物質(zhì)平衡誤差 ,提高迭代求解的收斂速度。
- This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation,educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time. 以物質(zhì)平衡方式和不定態(tài)水侵公式等油藏工程理論為基礎,得出無(wú)水期采收率和油藏見(jiàn)水時(shí)間的計算公式。
- Based on the the above analyses, the author proposed an optimal design for the 100kt/a DME plant with Two-step Methanol Dehydration Process, using the software ECSS, a detailed material balance is made to the whole system. 在此基礎上,作者提出了二步法甲醇脫水工藝10萬(wàn)噸/年二甲醚生產(chǎn)裝置的優(yōu)化流程,并采用ECSS軟件對全系統進(jìn)行了物料平衡。
- The material is flawed throughout. 這種材料到處是裂縫。
- According to the principle of material balance in well bores the method of dynamic simulation to describe the changing rules of submergence depth is established in the paper based on SIMULINK. 在現有研究基礎上,根據井筒內物質(zhì)平衡原理,建立了基于SIMULINK下沉沒(méi)度變化規律的動(dòng)態(tài)仿真方法。
- Based on the material balance principle and the results of references[ 1, 2 ], the methods of forecasting initial natural gas reserves for the undersaturated and the saturated oilfields in dif... “本文基于物質(zhì)平衡原理和文獻[1,2]的成果,對于未飽和油藏和飽和油藏,不同驅動(dòng)類(lèi)型和開(kāi)發(fā)階段,提出了預測油田中天然氣可采儲量的方法。
- According to the discrete material balance equation ofcontrol-volume,a new numerical scheme based on PEBI grid and CVFE grid is provided,where absolute permeability is in tensor form. 根據所建立的單個(gè)控制體離散形式的物質(zhì)平衡方程,基于PEBI和CVFE網(wǎng)格,采用任意形式的滲透率張量,建立了相應的數值算法。
- This means that the material balances around the stages are actually differential equations and each equation includes holdup as a variable. 這就意味著(zhù),在某一個(gè)階段的前后物料平衡函數實(shí)際上是一個(gè)微分方程,而每一個(gè)方程都以一個(gè)停滯為變量。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他堅持以使用最好的材料為條件。