- Genetically engineered organisms or products. 基因改造之有機體或其產(chǎn)物。
- No Genetically Engineered Ingredients. 不含轉基因成分。
- Take the soybean, for example. About 55 percent of last year's crop was genetically engineered in some fashion, reports the American Soybean Association. 就拿大豆來(lái)說(shuō),美國大豆協(xié)會(huì )報道,去年這種作物大約有55%25在性狀上都經(jīng)遺傳工程改造過(guò)。
- So somebody, I assume, genetically engineered these ponies. 然后某些人,我假設,從基因上改造了這些馬駒兒。
- Roundup has been developed for use with genetically engineered crops. 讓達普的開(kāi)發(fā)主要是為了應用在轉基因農作物上,
- Proponents offer a number of defenses for genetically engineered foods. 支持基改食物的人也提出辯護。
- The prospect of tinkering with human sperm to produce genetically engineered babies gives many bioethicists the willies. 通過(guò)改造人類(lèi)精子來(lái)制造基因改良嬰兒的設想讓許多生物倫理學(xué)家感到十分不安。
- New- age Old MacDonalds will raise crops and livestock that have been genetically engineered to produce therapeutic proteins. 新時(shí)代農民將種植和飼養經(jīng)過(guò)基因工程改造的作物和家畜,生產(chǎn)出具有療效的蛋白質(zhì)。
- A study reported last week involved some mice genetically engineered to develop dementia. 上周的研究報告涉及了一些老鼠遺傳能改善癡呆。
- He chose genetic engineering to be his lifelong career. 他選擇了遺傳工程學(xué)作為終生的事業(yè)。
- To further evaluate this approach and its safety, Rosenthal created mice genetically engineered to overproduce IGF-I throughout their skeletal muscle. 為了進(jìn)一步評估這種方法和其安全性,羅森塔爾培育了在所有骨骼肌內IGF-1表現過(guò)量的遺傳工程改造小鼠,結果令人振奮。
- The movie is about a quiet teenage boy named Peter Parker who is bitten by a genetically engineered spider. 電影講述了一個(gè)性格安靜的十幾歲男孩彼得?帕克被經(jīng)過(guò)基因改造的蜘蛛咬傷,
- Corn, cotton and soybeans have all been genetically engineered to be Roundup Ready. 玉米、棉花和大豆都曾被轉基因成為抗草甘磷(Roundup ready)作物。
- In Europe and America, herds of pigs are being specially bred and genetically engineered for organ donation. 在歐洲以及美國,以特別的飼養方法喂養著(zhù)成群經(jīng)遺傳工程處理的豬以便提供器官。
- Using the deadhead method is typical for the new modern breed of roses that are genetically engineered. 庸人用現代的新方法,是典型的遺傳工程培育玫瑰。
- Researchers at BG Medicine, based in Waltham, Mass., examined mice genetically engineered to develop atherosclerosis if placed on a high-fat diet. 美國麻州瓦珊市的BG醫學(xué)公司,利用吃高脂飲食就會(huì )發(fā)展出動(dòng)脈粥狀硬化癥的基因改造小鼠來(lái)測試。
- Genetic engineering will have revolutionaryconsequences for mankind. 遺傳工程將對人類(lèi)產(chǎn)生深遠的影響。
- Soybean farmers will demand higher premiums for non-genetically engineered soybeans next year and likely supply only the crops under contract, according to US Soybean Export Council CEO Dan Duran. 美國大豆出口協(xié)會(huì )首席執行官杜安說(shuō),明年播種非轉基因大豆的農民將會(huì )要求更高的溢價(jià),并且只按合同規定的數量供貨。
- Cloning differs from genetic engineering. 克隆與基因工程不同。
- Genetic engineering is now a fact. 遺傳工程現在是實(shí)在的技術(shù)