- Characteristics of maturity and gas generating yield of source rocks in thermal simulation experiment with lowering temperature 降溫熱模擬實(shí)驗中烴源巖成熟度和產(chǎn)氣率的變化特征
- The result of a small number sample shows that Preceding Paleogene source rocks of nature gas are efficient, in which the Jurassic source rock has the greatest yield potential for gas generating. 由少數樣品的實(shí)驗結果揭示,前古近紀氣源巖為有效氣源巖,其中侏羅系煤系烴源巖產(chǎn)氣能力極強,石炭系煤系烴源巖也有強的產(chǎn)氣能力,是具勘探潛力的氣源層。
- Baicheng City Acetylene Gas General Fact. 白城市乙炔氣總廠(chǎng)。
- Gas generator rocket can pressurize a high-pressure feed system. 燃氣發(fā)生器能使高壓輸送系統增壓。
- The system consists of gas generating agents FCA and FCB, foam stability agent FCF, retarder FCR, water and oil well cement. 該泡沫水泥漿體系由發(fā)氣劑FCA、發(fā)氣劑FCB、穩泡劑FCF以及緩凝劑FCR、水和油井水泥組成。
- The formula and properties of composite gas generating propellant AP/DHG/Polyether were investigated. 研究了以高氯酸銨(AP)/二羥基乙二肟(DHG)/聚醚為主要組分的燃氣發(fā)生劑的配方和主要性能。
- In this paper, the authors discussed the gas generating characteristics of marine shale and marl by hydropyrolysis. 文中通過(guò)加水熱模擬實(shí)驗,對海相頁(yè)巖和泥灰巖熱解氣特征進(jìn)行了系統的對比、研究。
- Higher numbers will generally yield smaller payloads at the cost of additional processing time. 數字更高通常會(huì )產(chǎn)生更小的載荷,但要消耗更多的處理時(shí)間。
- Wuhu Municipal Planning Committee Wuhu Fuel Gas General Co. 蕪湖市計委蕪湖市燃氣總公司。
- Physical examination and testing: Examination and diagnostic testing generally yield little useful information. 體檢與化驗:檢查與診斷化驗一般不會(huì )提供有用信息。
- Ozone gas generator so that a better Sterilization vegetables. 臭氧氣發(fā)生器使蔬菜更好的消毒殺菌。
- Tannins of the first type which are found in tea generally yield glucose and gallic acid when they are hydrolyzed. 第一種丹寧酸發(fā)現于茶葉中,通常將它們水解時(shí)會(huì )產(chǎn)生葡萄糖和沒(méi)食子酸。
- The pressure can be an advantage for gas generation. 壓力可能時(shí)氣體的生成有促進(jìn)作用;
- The development of non-azide gas generant is introduced. 介紹了國內外非疊氮燃氣發(fā)生劑的研制進(jìn)展。
- DHG coated by polymer P 100 was characterized with XPS. The composite gas generating propellant was prepared with the coated DHG,AP and Polyether. 用實(shí)驗室合成的聚合物P-100對DHG進(jìn)行了包覆,并對所包覆的DHG進(jìn)行了一定的表征。
- Nerve gases generally cause death by asphyxiation. 神經(jīng)毒氣一般通過(guò)窒息導致死亡。
- Based on the single axial compression of sintered iron cylinder specimens,the rationality and applicability of generalized yield criterion are validated for sintered ... 通過(guò)燒結鐵圓柱試樣單向壓縮試驗,驗證了粉末冶金燒結材料廣義塑性屈服條件的合理性和適用性。
- DHG coated by polymer P 100 was characterized with XPS.The composite gas generating propellant was prepared with the coated DHG,AP and Polyether. 用實(shí)驗室合成的聚合物P-100對DHG進(jìn)行了包覆,并對所包覆的DHG進(jìn)行了一定的表征。
- Based on the error analysis oh general yield formula, a new method that calculate the yield of light hydrocarbon with CH4 balance method is presented in this paper. 通過(guò)對常規收率公式的誤差分析,提出了采用CH4平衡法計算輕烴收率的新方法。
- The reliability and integration of the safety interlock system for gascifiers are the most important performance indexes in gas generating plants. 氣化爐安全聯(lián)鎖系統的可靠性和完善性是煤氣制備裝置中最重要的性能指標之一。