
[ɡe?m]     [ɡe?m]    
  • n. 游戲;運動(dòng)會(huì );比賽;一場(chǎng)比賽;比賽得分;獵物;花招
  • v. 賭博
  • adj. 勇敢的;樂(lè )意的;跛的
gamely gamer gamest gameness gamed gamed gaming games



n. (名詞)
  1. 游戲
  2. 運動(dòng),運動(dòng)會(huì )
  3. 一場(chǎng),一局
  4. 獵物,野味
  5. 競賽,比賽
  6. 花招
  7. 娛樂(lè ),消遣
  8. 玩笑
  9. 策略
  10. 游戲器具
  11. 比賽得分情況
  12. 比賽時(shí)用的手法,比賽技巧
  13. 體育課,體育活動(dòng)
  14. 贏(yíng),獲勝
  15. 勇氣,斗爭精神
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 打賭,賭輸贏(yíng)
  2. 賭輸
  3. 賭博,賭牌
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 勇敢的,好斗的
  2. 狩獵的,獵物的,野味的
  3. 瘸的, 跛的,殘廢的,受傷的
  4. 甘愿嘗試的,有冒險精神的
  5. 斗雞似的,雄糾糾的
  6. 倔強的
  7. 對...有興趣的
  8. 情愿的,對…有意的


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]游戲,運動(dòng),比賽 a form of play or sport, or one example or type of this; match
  2. [C]行業(yè),行當 a profession or activity, especially one in which people compete against each other
  3. [U]獵物 wild animals, birds and fish which are hunted or fished for food, especially as a sport
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 勇敢的,有決心的,敢作敢為的 brave, determined, and ready for action
  2. [P]愿意的,心甘情愿的 willing
  3. 殘疾的; 瘸的 lame; crippled


  1. a contest with rules to determine a winner;

    "you need four people to play this game"

  2. a single play of a sport or other contest;

    "the game lasted two hours"

  3. an amusement or pastime;

    "they played word games"
    "he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time"
    "his life was all fun and games"

  4. animal hunted for food or sport

  5. (tennis) a division of play during which one player serves

  6. (games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win;

    "the game is 6 all"
    "he is serving for the game"

  7. the flesh of wild animals that is used for food

  8. a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal);

    "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor"
    "I saw through his little game from the start"

  9. the game equipment needed in order to play a particular game;

    "the child received several games for his birthday"

  10. your occupation or line of work;

    "he's in the plumbing game"
    "she's in show biz"

  11. frivolous or trifling behavior;

    "for actors, memorizing lines is no game"
    "for him, life is all fun and games"

  1. disabled in the feet or legs;

    "a crippled soldier"
    "a game leg"

  2. willing to face danger

  1. place a bet on;

    "Which horse are you backing?"
    "I'm betting on the new horse"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. All the children partook in the game.
  2. I found a computer game to divert the children.
    我發(fā)現了一種供孩子娛樂(lè )的電腦游戲。
  3. He is my main rival in the game.
    他是我運動(dòng)會(huì )上的主要對手。
  4. He is expected to win the game with ease.
    預計他在比賽中會(huì )輕易獲勝。
  5. Would you care to have a small wager on the game?
  6. In every game they were bested by their opponents.
  7. The game is 7 to 6.
  8. The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game.
  9. The politician was playing a deep game.
  10. After two hours his game was about played out.
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. It's a pity he games so deep.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. She put up a game fight against her detractors.
  2. He was a game fighter even when he was losing.
    即使當他失敗的時(shí)候, 他也是一位勇敢的戰士。
  3. Are you game for a swim?
  4. He is game in the leg/has a game leg.


用作名詞 (n.)
deep game
    背地里搞鬼; 陰謀,密謀 secret; devious plot
dirty game
    卑鄙的勾當,見(jiàn)不得人的勾當 activity in which people do not always act in an honest way
fly at higher game
    向更高目標努力 make efforts for a higher aim
game of chance
    靠碰運氣取勝的游戲 gambling game
give the game away
    露馬腳 inadvertently reveal a secret
know what sb's game is
    知道某人的什么用意 discover what sb's intentions are
losing game
    無(wú)勝利希望的事 activity which one cannot succeed at
make game of
    取笑… joke with sb
mug's game
    傻瓜才干的事情,蠢事 activity which only a fool would expect to succeed at
name of the game
    重要的事情; 本質(zhì)的東西 important factor
off one's game
    競技狀態(tài)良好 not performing at one's best
on the game
    賣(mài)淫 earning money as a prostitute
play a waiting game
    〈口〉伺機而動(dòng); 見(jiàn)機行事 delay making a commitment until the situation is more advantageous
play game with
    與…開(kāi)玩笑 treat sb or sth
play sb's game
    做有利于…的事 do sth for sb
play the game
    規規矩矩地進(jìn)行比賽 have a match regularly
put off sb's game
    分散…的注意力 distract sb while playing a game
    put sb off sb's game

    Don't talk; it puts him off his game.

    不要講話(huà),這樣會(huì )干擾他的比賽。

so that's your game
    原來(lái)那就是你的鬼把戲 so that is what your intention is
the game is not worth the candle
    這事不值得做; 得不償失 the result is not worth the effort needed to achieve it
the game is up
    一切都完了 you are discovered
two can play at that game
    那一套不只你會(huì ),我也會(huì ) I can also be as deceitful
what's the game?
    〈口〉出什么事啦? what is going on?
what's your game
    〈口〉你在干什么 what are you doing
winning game
    有勝利希望的比賽; 有把握的事 game in a series that decides the overall result


用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞


  • We have had pastimes here, and pleasant game.

    出自:Love's Labour's Lost , Shakespeare
  • So game, nothing ever scared him.

    出自: G. Stein
  • He had a game leg from the war.

    出自: M. Shadbolt
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