- The transmission is a key part in the driveline of the automobile.The quality of design will directly affect the actual function of use. 變速器是汽車(chē)傳動(dòng)系統中一個(gè)比較關(guān)鍵的部件,它設計的好壞直接影響到汽車(chē)的實(shí)際使用性能。
- I think you'll find this tool of use to him. 我想你會(huì )發(fā)現這個(gè)工具對他很管用。
- My advice may be of use for you. 我的意見(jiàn)也許對你有用。
- The old method has fallen out of use. 那個(gè)老辦法已被淘汰。
- In the early 1980s, I published an article in Datamation magazine titled "Synchronizing Data with Reality." The gist of the article was that data quality is a function of use, not capture and storage. 在二十世紀八十年代,我發(fā)表了一篇有關(guān)自動(dòng)化資料管理的文章"實(shí)際的同步數據"文章的意思是說(shuō)數據的質(zhì)量是使用功能,不是捕捉與存儲。
- The old method has gone out of use. 那個(gè)老辦法已被淘汰。
- The research result suggests that security, reliability, ease of use,function of payment, graphic style, recovery are six crucial factors that customers use in evaluating online service quality. 發(fā)現安全性、可靠性、交易功能、易用性、網(wǎng)站美學(xué)以及復原性是消費者在評估線(xiàn)上服務(wù)品質(zhì)時(shí)所使用到的六個(gè)重要因素。
- Alternative Use of the Export Function of IE 5. 巧用IE5的導出功能。
- Salt plays an important part in the function of the body. 鹽在調節身體的機能方面扮演著(zhù)重要的角色。
- I've just struck on something which might be of use to us. 我剛才想到一個(gè)辦法可能會(huì )對我們有用。
- Growth is a function of nutrition. 長(cháng)身體是由營(yíng)養決定的
- The result indicates that the Morgan model of using the function of segment linear has higher precision. 結果表明,用分段線(xiàn)性式的水分虧缺函數構成的水肥綜合修正Morgan模型預測精度較高。
- The office or function of a rabbi. 猶太法學(xué)博士的身份或職位
- The present phone boxes will go out of use next year. 現有的公共電話(huà)亭明年就不再使用了。
- The article summarizes the reason of using fortifier food, and introduces the category, the character and the physiology function of the food additive (nutriment). 摘要文章概述了使用強化食品的原因,食品添加劑(營(yíng)養素)的種類(lèi)、性質(zhì)、生理功能。
- Penman expatiates the instances of using dissipating method in different phase of warm diseases in order to analyze the function of this method. 筆者根據相關(guān)文獻和名醫醫案對透法在溫病不同階段的運用進(jìn)行闡述,以淺析透法之妙。
- He pulled out a pile of used bank note. 他掏出一疊用舊了的紙幣。
- As the language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use. 隨著(zhù)語(yǔ)言的發(fā)展,新詞不斷被采用,而有許多詞則停止使用了。
- This paper illustrates the necessity of using electronic key ignition lock on vehicles and introduces the structure of the lock and the function of each part. 說(shuō)明了使用機動(dòng)車(chē)電子鑰匙點(diǎn)火鎖的必要性,詳細介紹了其結構及各部件的功能,著(zhù)重分析了工作過(guò)程;
- His blanket was worn thin from many years of use. 由于使用多年,他的毯子已磨得很薄了。